the Dragon has 3 heads, A discussion on Prophecy

Actually that fits too with one of Dany's visions from the HOTU....a white lion running through grass as tall as a man.

White = Kingsguard
Lion = Lannister
Grass = Dothraki sea

Only thing is Jaime is nowhere near Essos, and is presently with Brienne somewhere in the Riverlands, presumably in the hands of Lady Stoneheart.

That's just a temporary setback. Besides, Dany will be coming to Westeros soon. If she doesn't then there was no point to her entire story.
Just to comment briefly on Juleska's excellent post:

First, the best theory I've heard regarding the woman being savaged by the 4 small men is that she represents Westeros and the men each represent one of the 4 Kings in Westeros fighting for the Iron Throne. By the time she goes into the HOTU I believe Renly has already kicked the bucket leaving Robb, Stannis, Joff and Balon.

Next, I believe people are overthinking the blue eyed man who casts no shadow. It seems to pretty clearly be Stannis, whom Dany has never met. The vision about him is relevant to her simply to introduce her to him before she ends up meeting him in real life.

Now, I was originally thinking that the dead man on the ship was Davos, heading to Skagos. The world believes he's dead while he goes to find Rickon and he has every reason to be smiling sadly. However, as someone else mentioned, it fits with Old Griff WAY too well. Dead from the greyscale, smiling sadly because he gets to return to his home but won't get to live long after.

Finally, I've kind of been thinking that the cloth dragon is a reference to Aegon/Young Griff. He fits very well with the 'mummer's dragon' that Quaithe speaks of as a cloth dragon swaying in the breeze is an apt description of what a mummer would use for a dragon. The people cheering would seem to indicate the way he is responded to in Westeros. Perhaps his cloth/false nature is foreshadowing that, even though he is well received, he is not actually the person that will take the Iron Throne and once again bring peace to the seven kingdoms.

I'll process on some of the other ideas and comment further in the future, but that's all for now :)
@the dead man on the ship. Some excellent ideas.
My initial idea as that it referred to Aemon Targaryen (whilst travelling with Sam).
No i'm not so sure anymore. Too many possible things that might fit.
That's just a temporary setback. Besides, Dany will be coming to Westeros soon. If she doesn't then there was no point to her entire story.

I believe white lion was dany herself, because she loved to wear white lion belt, which once belonged to Drogo.And that image actually pictured Dany walking back to Meereen from Dhrogon cave. :)
That could be. I personally always thought that the White Lion was exactly that, the White lion that Drogo killed and gave her. there is no reason why she shouldn't have had a vision of something that already happened and was important to her.

Another similarity of Jon and Jaime, they both are Lord Commanders of a sect that has sworn to take now wives, hold no lands and father no children.

The more I think about it, the more fitting I think it would be if Jon and Jaime were the other 2 heads of the dragon.
The more I think about it, the more fitting I think it would be if Jon and Jaime were the other 2 heads of the dragon.
My god that is a delicious thought. I think it only works if you buy into the theory that all three are the offspring of the Raper King.
I am trying to finish my latest reread which I’ve been working on for seven months. I have a number of thoughts on prophecy, especially the one about Drogo’s return. I’ve had some thoughts that I thought were original, yet reading this entire thread, I realize some of you have already seen, what I see and I myself made a connection to the Windblown.

You know the prophecy. The sun rises in the west and sets in the east, the seas go dry, the mountains, blow in the wind, Dany’s womb, quickens, and Dany gives birth to a living child. Then Drogo returns.

I have noticed in the comments that, even though we all agree that the sun and seas are figurative language,we expect the child of Dany and the return of Drogo to be literal.

In Vicaoria’ns last chapter in A Dance with Dragons, he catches a number of ships on his way to Mereen. On one of the ships, the captain tells Victarian that Danny escaped Mereen, and flew away on a dragon into the Dothraki Sea. Victorian claim that he will sale this Dothraki Sea to find Danny. The ship captain mocked Victarion’s ignorance.

So what if the oceans going dry does not literally mean they become a desert? Dany and the Dothraki crossed these seas. They do so on horseback. Horses are like ships on the Dothraki Sea. The sea is going dry means that travel by ship or horse is now impossible. This is the case for Victarion. He set sail from the iron islands and has crossed the Sunset Sea, th ocean south of Dorne, the Narrow Sea, the Smoking, Sea, the Summer Sea, and is now in Slaver’s Bay. The sea will actually end at Mereen. At that point, he will have to abandon ship, and walk or ride to Dany.

These prophecies don’t all concern them self with Daenerys. They are happening around her for her to observe, but they don’t have to affect her personally. So the sun, Auentyn, sets in Mereen. The sea going dry for Victarion happens at Mereen. This sets the stage for all of this prophecy to be fulfilled at Mereen.

The mercenary company led by the Tattered Prince is called the Windblown. They are blown from here to there by war. I think war is the wind. The mountains, then are political powers that will be blown like leaves during this war. Hizdahr has fallen. Yezzan, the CinC of Yunkai, is dead. The butcher king of Astapor is dead. A Volantene triarch may be next… or even Volantis itself. The he Tattered Prince is scheming from Mereen to topple Pentos. Also from Mereen, Tyrion and Ben are scheming to overthrow Cersei.

So if we have the sun, the seas, and the mountains, what is Dany’s living child? I think Dany’s living child is the political movement she has begun in Mereen.

She tried to conceive this movement in Astapor. She was denied the opportunity in Yunkai. The conception of her better world began in Mereen

Danny began her movement of freeing slaves in Astapor . That movement did not really take hold. It was not a living child. As soon as Dany left, a king rose up and enslaved the former masters. She then went to Yunkai. She was not able to begin a movement in Yunkai itself. But she did take many of their slaves. She led them to Mereen. The Mereenese told her their city was impregnable. Yet she sent her swimmers through their tubes, and she conceived a free Mereen. Don’t all these former slaves call her mother? She has given birth to a political and social reality that has shaken the world.

Furthermore, when Dany left with Drogon, her enemies in the city and outside of it were not able to kill her baby. She had built into her followers a desire and the courage to continue even without her. Barristan, the Shavepete, Grey Worm, Hero, and Missandei all are trying to continue her work.

I think that the entire prophecy has been fulfilled. I think we should expect a new Drogo anytime.

PS - I did not type this post. I am using my phone and have utilize the talk to text function. My spelling and grammar are worse than usual. I beg you to show some leniency. But please feel free to tear down my arguments.
One more thought. What if Dany’s mounts are not animals nor personal relationships? What if they are thrones? As Khaleesi of the Khalassar her throne was moving, i.e. her silver. This was the throne to ride. The throne of Mereen has been problematic. She bought peace with, her marriage. Under siege, she’s been worried. This is the throne to dread.

The iron throne is next. This is the throne to love. It is her ancestral throne. This is the homecoming to the home she’s dreamed of. The home she’s never known.
Just reread Quentyn’s attempt to take a dragon. He and his companions disguised themselves with masks. Arch was a bull. Drink was a monkey. Quentyn was a lion. Quentyn attempted to tame Viserion, the white dragon. Later, Arch and Drink, explain themselves to Barristan. Quentyn has just died from his burns.

It has been suggested that Quentyn did not die of his burns. It has been suggested that the dead man was one of the Windblown. If so, then perhaps Quentyn mounted Viserion and flew away.

There is discussion throughout this thread, especially at the top of page 4, regarding a white lion running through tall grass. The only tall grass in the entire story is the Dothraki Sea. Quentyn, in a lion’s mask, riding a white dragon across the Dothraki Sea, might be this white lion in tall grass.

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