50 Shades of Grey

But then Dan Brown isn't writing to turn anybody on. I just think that there are some things best done in private, and reading porn is one of them. Although I wouldn't just be uncomfortable around someone who found Dan Brown erotic - I'd be terrified.
You know, Toby, there was that scene in the church... :p Joking, joking, I think I read one, once, it's a long time ago, and struck me as fairly - drab. At least fifty shades doesn't appear to be that...
So Angels and Demons isn't that sort of book? (Seems rather a waste of that title, then. ;))
I just think that there are some things best done in private, and reading porn is one of them.

I perfectly agree. And the worst thing about the popularity of this book is that it makes people feel comfortable about reading it in public (because of the "I was just curious" excuse I mentioned before) and making the rest of us feel so queasy.

Also because the book is so popular, we know that they are sitting three feet away reading porn, when the title and the cover art might otherwise leave us in blissful ignorance.
I read all 3 in a week and really enjoyed them.

I didn't enjoy it because of its literary genius, it was light, easy to read and I felt empathy for the main characters. The plot was good and although I knew a lot of the stuff in it wasn't true - it is fiction?

Men like Chrustian Grey are about as rare as a fire breathing dragon :)

I couldn't read heavy books every time and the book is hardly 'porn' - I raise an eyebrow at my friends who think it is really rude as it really isn't!

I've read much worse since!!! :eek:
I'll honestly say I downloaded the book (let's not get into that debate), simply on account of my curiosity of what the hubbub was all about. I didn't get far into it, about 10-15 pages maybe and the prose is just so so so dull and boring, with a very dull main character.

Is there anything in the whole damn thing that's worth the trouble of actually keeping it on my ereader?
Shakespeare. Always good to have at hand...and correct people who don't quote correctly :wink:
I'll honestly say I downloaded the book (let's not get into that debate), simply on account of my curiosity of what the hubbub was all about. I didn't get far into it, about 10-15 pages maybe and the prose is just so so so dull and boring, with a very dull main character.

Is there anything in the whole damn thing that's worth the trouble of actually keeping it on my ereader?

She has flogged a lot though:)
Oh dear...

The stories of "romantic" novels of late is leaving me quite...well...worried about where romance is supposedly going.
I'm not sure it's meant to be a romantic novel - just a bit of escapism - which I read is why it is so popular.

I have to admit I was surprised to see a thread dedicated to it in this kind of forum.
There's all sort of book topics floating around here, you may be surprised of what you can discover if you dig deeper.
I'm not sure it's meant to be a romantic novel - just a bit of escapism - which I read is why it is so popular.

It's popular because it is sex and it's rubbish. For some reason, a lot of women love that, look at Sex and the City.
I'm never surprised by the rubbish people read (just look at the success of the Red Top newspapers). What I am surprised by is the fact that this book has been discussed here on the Chrons for nearly two months now. Whether we are saying we love it or hate it, the very act of discussing it at such length gives it a status that is, in my opinion, totally unjustified.
And yet, here we are, contributing to the discussion of sex-trash novels. It's a slippery slope once you start posting O.O.
yep! 115 posts expressing our revulsion at the book, the writing, it's readers, and showing our own better sense; including my own, gulp!!
We can't let it fester in our minds. Otherwise it might evolve and we'll buy the books *queue dramatic music*
Self-irony...we're all a bunch of hipsters now. This book is more dangerous than we could have ever imagined. It's the Obi-Wan of rubbish books.
Thanks for that, Cyber. Now I'm beginning to imagine that "Feel the force, Luke" has a whole new meaning.


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