My chapters are too long, I've decided. When I started writing it, chapters tended to be longer, particularly in fantasy, so I usually aimed for an average of around 7,000, with the shortest around 6,000 and the very longest up to 9,000. These days it seems short chapters are in, significantly shorter.
My chapters tend to be divided thematically, and act as episodes in their own right, so for the first book in particular I think it's unlikely I'll be trimming them down much. Later on things get a bit sillier - in the second volume I had a chapter of 33,000 words, and I've still got one of over 20,000!
Granted, it's a first draft and I'd expect to cull that, but nonetheless I suspect that chapter will be cut into at least two.
One thing I have noticed is that my chapters tend to be really, really long when I first write them. If I look at my most recent first draft stuff, most of the chapters are around 12K-14K. My first edit usually wacks a good 30% at least off the word count, but as the story progresses and the thematic sequences become more complex I'm realising that I can't use the same structural method I did in the first book. I will be cutting my later chapters into pieces, probably aiming for much smaller ones than the first book - 5,000 words or less where possible.
I think I can get away with this because the second volume cross-cuts between multiple protagonists, so I can use the jump between protagonists as the "thematic break", with several chapters following each protagonist to form each thematic sequence.