Sekrit Santa


Nov 12, 2007
So this is a variation on the old office Sekrit Santa, where people pull a name out of a hat and have to buy them a nice pressie

This time, a name will be pulled out of a hat, and you need to write an appropriate story from their prompt

Once all stories are in, they will be distributed to their recipients, and the openers will be posted anonymously so people can try to guess who wrote which story.

So, if you want to join, what I need from you:

In thread - state you are willing to write a story for someone else (anything from 1k up). Then state what you want in a story, including any requirements regarding gore or sex.

For example: I would like a story about evil unicorns and exploding turnips. Sentient frogs a bonus. PG 15 please. Romance okay, but no steamy sex/erotica please.

So, have at it!

You'll have a month to write the story btw.

Signups close 30th April.
Yes, I would write a story for someone else. I would like a story about sexy mutants. I would like a frisson of oooooh, didn't expect that.

Is that right? And well done you for arranging it!
Ok, following springs' excellent example:

I would write a story for someone else. I want a story about alternate universes, with flowers.

And thank you for the adventure! :D
*runs into thread panting mememmemememe*

*straightens sun dress*

I would be delighted to hand craft a story for another member. Would someone write me something furry? Moonlit romance, that doesn't get too sticky. Twists that titillate the senses, without overstepping site guidelines for "family friendly." Puns a plus.
It's early. I've not slept for the past three days so this all sounds quite complicated to me at the mo! :D I'm in though.

I would like an urban fantasy. With no vampires. A quirky MC. And preferably starring a pretty man.
I would write for someone else, and I'd like some fantasy (or science fantasy if you'd prefer) with a female MC, and as a bonus romance and/or dinosaurs! (Or dinosaur-like things).
I'd write a story for someone else.

I'd like a lightish/ urban fantasy or science fantasy (not really hard science fiction because I never understand that) centring on maps/ a map.
I'd write a story for someone...although a dragon may appear ;)

Well, I'd like (surprise surprise) dragons and some robots, and some nice twisty thought surprises, ummmm and a fish ;) and maybe a drive by chicken...(haha impossible task I hear you say!) other than that I'm not fussed, as long as there are dragons :D
I'd like to write some of the above!

I'm in. I'd like mine set in space and involving conflict. Any level of consensual smut is acceptable, although not necessary.
I would like to write a story for someone else.

I would like a story set in a medievil fantasy world, with an unlikely hero.

This sounds fun.
Fun?!?? It sounds down right scary, so OK I'm in.

Please make mine a space opera with a forgetful MC. A busty, sexy side kick is just a plus.
((If we have a brilliant idea off someones request and don't end up with their name can we write it anyway? ))
I was expecting this to be about Ancient Indian sports, or am I the only one who read this thread title as "sanskrit setanta" ? ;)

This is a nice idea, KMQ, and I would like to participate.

I'd like something contemporary and urban with ghost(s) and/or a haunted house. Absolutely no romance, no vampires, nor Werewolves, nor zombies, though (please) :D.

yes please!
i would love to give this a try. just feel sorry for the poor person on the receiving end of my story bahahaha!

i don't care what i receive just make it fresh and gripping, not too wakey or bonkers, i tend to get a bit lost...but really i'll try anything!
Sounds like a blast. I'm in.

I'd like a story that concerns a bridge or bridges.
Is there still room? I will write and would like a child solving a mystery.
Plenty of room! In fact there's no real limit (apart from the time it'll take me to sort out stories)
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