I'm not sure it would be possible to get enough information into a true nanite that the build up to a complex system would be possible. I know, practically all stories based round nanotech assume von Neumann capabilities, while all present experiments are concentrated on nanites created within a larger framework, and it's only faith that makes the linkage, but you could use larger projectiles, dust-grain size. The optimum would be that every particle contain all of the information, plus some limited read out and manipulative possibilities and energy handling - whoops, we're up to the size of a living cell.
The charged particles are going to actively repel each other, in orbit as well as in transit; outside of the nucleus electrostatic forces are among the strongest we know. You could possibly compensate for this by sending two beams from opposite sides of the solar system, intersecting at the target, where they attract each other and neutralise, so they can co-operate in building their larger structure. This still doesn't get rid of that relitavistic mV, which I can't see any mere planetary field absorbing (and atmospheric friction? On something that size with that much energy? I love the idea of the blue trails of Cherenkoff radiation as the individual nanites are heated to millions of degrees, massive cosmic rays colliding with air molecules, but there's no way to get rid of enough energy with a passage which doesn't include a fair amount of the planet's crust that they're not still way above escape velocity). Perhaps a close approach to the star, using its considerably more intense magnetic field to bend the beams into planetary orbit while decelerating them? Probably not, even then; there's really a lot of energy to dispose of.
And there's no feedback for the fractions of second of arc that make the difference between your target planet and a next door galaxy. Photon pressure, variations in solar wind; the slightest deviation at source, a touch of Heiseberg, or even a tough of Murphy, and there's no correction factor possible. Most of your original particles will be lost (which is why it's better not to distribute the data between lots of different travelling paths).
The charged particles are going to actively repel each other, in orbit as well as in transit; outside of the nucleus electrostatic forces are among the strongest we know. You could possibly compensate for this by sending two beams from opposite sides of the solar system, intersecting at the target, where they attract each other and neutralise, so they can co-operate in building their larger structure. This still doesn't get rid of that relitavistic mV, which I can't see any mere planetary field absorbing (and atmospheric friction? On something that size with that much energy? I love the idea of the blue trails of Cherenkoff radiation as the individual nanites are heated to millions of degrees, massive cosmic rays colliding with air molecules, but there's no way to get rid of enough energy with a passage which doesn't include a fair amount of the planet's crust that they're not still way above escape velocity). Perhaps a close approach to the star, using its considerably more intense magnetic field to bend the beams into planetary orbit while decelerating them? Probably not, even then; there's really a lot of energy to dispose of.
And there's no feedback for the fractions of second of arc that make the difference between your target planet and a next door galaxy. Photon pressure, variations in solar wind; the slightest deviation at source, a touch of Heiseberg, or even a tough of Murphy, and there's no correction factor possible. Most of your original particles will be lost (which is why it's better not to distribute the data between lots of different travelling paths).