I forgot about the voting deadline so I've had to read this month's entries very quickly, and probably the stories didn't get the attention they deserved. Apologies. Lots of comic stories this month (in a month I decided to get all serious). I enjoyed the comedy, even the IT related 'legacy' stories (despite the hideous legacy decommissioning project I was involved with today).
But JordanSC5's story takes my vote this month - I just loved the line "I don't understand what is happening." that, for me, tied the holocaust legacy scenario closely to character.
My rough, abbreviated notes as follows. My favourites, marked with the Aus "Movie Show" star rating system ("I'm giving it three stars, David", "I thought it was marvellous, Margaret. I'm giving it four stars".)
Perpetual Man - Hah! Take that. ****
Luiglin - Silent Running droids! ***
EloiseA - cyber dreams ****
The Spurring Platty - rite of passage ****
JordanSC5 - facing into ambiguity *****
Aun Doorback - bespoke earth (topical! for me at least) ***
jimness - clumsy arthur ***
HareBrain - it could be worse, at least they have underpants ***
Thanks to Boneman for shortlist status, Mary Faerie for fave status (and thanks for the review), Starbeast for runner up status.
See you all next month. Here's hoping we get to write about, what was it, monkey pirates with underpants.