My issue with the tone is based on an assumption that the author's reply is offered in the hope that Resnick and company might read, reflect upon, and perhaps, learn from it.
I know this is a bad assumption on my part. From the tone of the piece, it seems clear she doesn't intend this. It's not really a reply at all, but an exegesis, written not for the two old white guys who espouse these outmoded and sexist views, but for her own piers. I agree with her that the beliefs and behaviors discussed, being still held at large, are both damaging and unwelcome, yet, they are, like so many social ills, being worked on by each new generation, and hopefully, progress is being made (this is not meant as an excuse for such a worldview, just a recognition that changes of this sort take time).
This progress isn't often readily taken up by the Statler and Waldorf's of the world, but there is hope: look at how the changing attitudes toward gay marriage have swept backwards, from a younger generation to the older, and just since 2004. But that wasn't done by writing berating blog posts about the old codgers; it was done through conversing with them.
I wouldn't have brought any of this up at all, except, she makes an explicit point of how Resnick is talking about her and her piers, but not TO her and her piers, which made me think she'd prefer for it to be a dialogue, but then, she turns right around and does the same thing. Which is fine, I suppose, but not at all a good way to start a conversation.
On the matter of presentation style, if I am disinterested in the topic (which I am not in this case), or I hope that the argument has some lasting effect on the other side or those undecided, I'd rather hear a witty and clever argument than a sardonic and clever one. For instance, in a debate on the existence of god, I'd rather hear Steven Fry than Chris Hitchens represent the minority opinion, and either instead of Sam Harris, because Harris tends to be too vitriol, turning off those who are not already with him (and some times, those of us who are with him).
EDIT: I've not yet read the other articles, but look forward to doing so this evening.
A last edit: this came to mind in terms of tone and writing to actually educate. Amazing stuff, this: