Victoria Silverwolf - Well written drama that takes us inside a prison compound, where two individuals pass the time playing a game of chess. And a black bird induces memories of a loved one. Grim and wonderful.
Karn Maeshalanadae - Shocking apocalypical science fiction tale about what caused an unstoppable depopulation of the world. A lone survivor narrates this sci-fi drama, and reveals his disturbing fate. Infectiously cool.
Tywin - Marvelous science ficion offing with a facinating history and astounding outcome. An incredible story about humans and those who live beyond us! There aren't Munchins over the rainbon, there are celestials!
Springs - Beautifully written tale, dramatic, as well as tremendous
. I love a good "father and son" story that is chocked full of creamy goodness. My heart soared with the final lines of the feathery treat. Good stuff Springs.
Luiglin - This story also tugs at my emotions. Such a sweet tale that displays wonderful imagery of the past for the reader who lived in those glorious days, which is now called the golden years of sci-fi. But it was the love for family that is the most precious part of this delightful entry.
Bowler1 - A zombie tale, YES! Not gory, but creepy enough to chill the bones. Grab your pike, and feed the crows those rotton living dead folk who want human meat for their meal. Amy and Derek are brave, and cool kids.
Glen - Uniquely outstanding story, an astonishing idea about the first draft of
Pierre Boulie's (may I call it), The Planet of the Birds. Fortunately for his fans, the sci-fi classic is rewritten later and made into many interesting movies. Good stuff Glen.
Mouse - Birds of a feather, must rhyme together, and beware the kitty cat. Superb and surreal fantasy that is definately a fun read that soars in the sky with magpie, and perches on top of excellence. Wonderful and witty.
I must say that I'm blown away by all of the original mighty stories! Everyone made great usage of 300 words (or less). They are all jam-packed with clever dialogue and cool ideas. - STARBEAST