Parson - a very dark and disturbing tale, with some beautiful touches that make it genuinely creepy. I really liked the writing, with the opening sentence rally stealing my attention while the rest of the story held it. To me, it almost felt as though various terms could have been read as names, giving the whole thing a haunted feel.
SleepyDormouse - A story that is almost beautiful in its grimness. I found the seed at the heart if it be a great idea, a creature growing within a woman, something that is seen as an honour, but terrible and deadly at the same time. That dreadful beauty is caught perfectly here. Chillingly wonderful.
Anya - This is one of those stories that I find it hard to write about because it is simply perfect in its own way` It comes across as light and fluffy filled with some creative and humorous details, but their is a dark vein running through it, and although justice is at the heart there is a darkness that is cleverly obscured,
Alc. - Something that might be considered a cold love story and works because of it. Cleverly it tells the reader exactly what is going on, a private hell, repeated time after time, love allows suffering to be borne even though it means living through the same thing again and again. The very cold that hurts, is a friend because it keeps love alive.
SevenStars - Is this a story? It is a very creative run of words, forming sentences that are magnificent, each line is a delicious read, but is it a story? Well yes, I think it allows the reader to fill in the gaps that have been created coming up with variations of their own that make the tale whole. That is the genius of the entry.
RichardWolanski - This contains a wonderful piece of character building. In so few words I am able to conjure up the face of the speaker, someone who seems take a great delight in his work as is made evident by his use of language. It occurs to me that there might be nothing dark in what is going on here, but the creative writing makes it just sinister