What are you working on right now?

I'm working to resurrect a draft of a novel that I workshopped 15+ years ago. It's a fugitive-on-the-run story with lots of magical creatures and stuff. The ending fell apart and I put it aside. Since then, my skills have developed and my world-building is more established. I used to have a dreadful dream sequence where the hero and the poorly developed villain did virtual battle. Ugh. Now, the dream sequence is forcing the hero to relive that one tragic night and new clues are revealed. I'm having a lot of fun.

I can certainly understand how that is. My current WIP is a story I originally wrote 12 years ago, and I recently re-wrote another story originally written around the same time. I have a bunch more waiting their turn. There are a few good pieces from back then, but most of it is bad enough to drive me to tears.
That's a huge amount. Wish I could write that quickly.
Thank you @mattwaldram. At some stage I'll be looking for beta readers but not until this version is finished. Clocked up just over 7.5k today so motoring on :)

7.5k! Wow, that's a huge number for one day. Well done.

More than happy to do a beta read if and when you want it. I've read plenty of my friends' manuscripts and I'm always happy to help. Just let me know if you want me to.

What are your plans once it's finished? Going the trade publishing route or looking to self publish?
Working on my new YA Urban Fantasy - I've taken Gus and Iris's grandson and made him fourteen. Before I embark on the second draft I am now attempting some planning lol Wish me luck. Before I did the first draft I didn't even know who my villain was and I'm still not entirely sure Gus isn't the villain he certainly helped create the one I have. Today I want to finish the potted biographies.
I'd like to hope for the traditional route. I didn't start writing with the intention of publishing at all - I just had a story that had to get out and it had been driving me slowly insane for more than thirty years.

Having written a s****y first draft with all tell and no show, lousy punctuation and grammar and submitting it to loads of publishers and agents I then decided I had to learn how to write. Someone told me I'd improve with practice so I've been churning out numerous short stories and a few other novels of varying lengths, but I still keep on being drawn back to the original story, the one I'm working on now. The aim is less to be published (although that would be the icing on the cake) and more to produce a book or books of publishable standard.

I feel if I went down the self-pub route I might be tempted to settle for less than I am capable of so I'll stick to the trad route. If and when I feel it's ready for submission that will be the litmus test. If it gets all rejections, then it will be back to the drawing board.
I think aiming for the trad route is a good place to start – and it's absolutely right that you should have your MS as close to 'publishable' as possible, by which I mean get test readers, editors, and proofreaders (as many and as experienced as possible) to take a look at it.

Editors are brilliant – you can learn so much about writing from their notes. You don't have to always defer to them, but they ask questions that make you a better writer.

And don't rule out self-publishing. I think the landscape has changed a lot... there are author-publishers (or whatever you choose to call them) who put a lot of effort and pride (and money) into their work. And it shows. There is less stigma these days, but there is—sadly—still a lot of sub-par self-pubbed work out there, which brings that stigma back. It's a shame. But if more people think as you about making their MS of the absolute highest quality, then I believe those authors will pull self-pubbing up by its bootstraps.
I wasn't really commenting on the quality of work of self-pubbers out there as much as how lazy I know I am. If I thought there was a quick way to get my stuff out I know I would take shortcuts and the quality of my work would suffer. Still a very long way to go, but I'll get there. Hopefully.

Thanks for the positive words and offer of beta reading, which you might live to regret mwahaha....
Trying to get warm. I hate those cold nights. Oh, and work out if the new little icon at the top of my Chrome browser is actually meant to be there...

Oh, you meant writing. Still redrafting Kingdom Asunder, and working on Sir Edric when there's spare time.
Is that a reference to the tsunami of red ink heading my way, or the death toll?
The death toll, also the comment elsewhere about editing = butchering.
No. I'll not be making a lot of comments. I'll concentrate on the story, not the line editing. I'm at 29%, just from 11.30pm last night till lights out. I read quick.
Since I have to have my co-author online to edit and re-write the first book ( will be working on that later) , I started on the opening sequence for book 2 :-D got around 300 words done before the children put a stop to it.
I'm trying to work on my WIP, need to finish my Sekrit Santa 5, and am working on a Short Story for a submission due by the end of the month.
i made the mistake of starting to edit my nanowrimo .. it escaped from its crypt, and has taken on an additional seven thousand words.
most people edit by subtracting words..i seem to be editing by adding more of them in...

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