Sekrit Santa 33 1/3 -- The Guessing Thread

Right found it.


1. Victoria
2. Mith
3. Chris
4. Hope
5. Glisterspeck
6. Phyrebrat
7. Ratsy
8. DEO
9. Remedy
10. Tywin

And there we go. I have put one on there that id deliberately wrong, cos it might have given the game away if I guessed Perp...
Chirs #4 for Hope
David #6 for Mith
Glisterspeck #9 for Phy
PerpMan #3 for Glisterspeck
Phy #8 for Perp
Ratsy #5 For Jas
Remedy #2 for David
Victoria #1 for Chris

Hope is completely right about whom the stories were written FOR.

And almost completely wrong about whom the stories were written BY. :D
Well so far I have been guessed at writing 2,3,5,6,7,8 !! I must say, I have some varied skills
Ok. Here are the four I feel 90% certain about:

Victoria - 1
Ratsy - 7
Hope - 8
DEO - 3

There's one other that I'm 100% certain of, but you know, I can't come out and say it.
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Ok. Here are the four I feel 90% certain about:

Victoria - 1
Ratsy - 7
Hope - 8
DEO - 3

There's one other that I'm 100% certain of, but you know, I can't come out and say it.

Ugh - Don't know how I missed Perp's confession. Here are my updated 90%

Victoria - 1
Ratsy - 7
Hope - 8
DEO - 3
Perpetual Man - 2

The rest of my sheet currently has:

Chris either 6 or 9
Phyrebrat either 4 or 6
And Remedy playing the wild card for all yet unassociated.

EDIT: I had overlooked something important. Phyrebrat claimed to write 4. Now. Is Phyrebrat the sort who would bluff and claim to write the real story, or the sort who would switch up with another? I don't know well enough. Hrmph.

If Phy told a fib, we're left with:

Phy - 6
Chris - 9
Remedy - 4 or 5 (which I just say to protect my own story's identity from all but Remedy)

If Phy told the truth, I still only have Phy's and still need to figure out Chris and Remedy. So how about it? Is Phy more or less likely to tell the truth here? Help!
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EDIT: I had overlooked something important. Phyrebrat claimed to write 4. Now. Is Phyrebrat the sort who would bluff and claim to write the real story, or the sort who would switch up with another? I don't know well enough. Hrmph.

Phyrebrat is Not A Nice Person. To quote; 'the kind of person who would spit in your mouth when you sleep'. ;):D

The veracity of my claim on number 4 could go either way....there was one person on here who suprised me when they didn't guess right - they've always nailed my style right off the bat. I do have a theory thought that if certain parts of my story had been put up, it would have been obvious-er ;)

I'm sticking with my guesses. I feel I've done okayish. (If I need to be disabused of this, perhaps a PM, oh great SS3 Organiser. :D )

Oh no, I've just noticed that hope has sort of admitted to her story, unless she is being deceptive, but that means my guess was completely off for her and I have lost all faith in my future as the worlds greatest detective.
Sluthing of my guesses would reveal a confession.
when people have guessed mostly right.

I'm trying to decide if I want to go back and try guessing again. Twice now I've nearly guessed that Glisterspeck had written his own, but I know that Dusty wouldn't do that...

I wonder if the extra time was enough for people to write more for their person than ever before. We all seem to be having a hard time.
Ok, I’m gonna go with Phy fibbing.

These are my final final guesses:

Victoria - 1
Ratsy - 8
Hope - 7
DEO - 3
Perpetual Man - 2
Phy - 6
Chris - 9
Remedy - 4
And, like Phy, I’ll say I wrote 5. But as Phy may be, I could be fibbing.
Oh, I'm incapable. I can't get a list that holds together nohow. I think I'll throw dice.
I'm still trying to figure that out -- I can't pin down anything specific that says "Victoria wrote this", as far as I know, yet everyone (including me in the past) seems to home in on something immediately.

You're very elusive and mysterious. In a transparent way. :D

Or is that transparent, in an elusive and mysterious way?

Ok, so chrispy is playing with the D8 and will undoubtedly be posting the miraculous results soon. DEO and ratsy -- weighing in or sitting on the sidelines snickering? :)
I'm not even going to try to make any guesses. I'm clueless.

It's not a big secret that I wrote "Parasites." I suppose my style must be extremely easy to recognize.

If I were to try and give your style a name I would say "she's like the flutter of lace in a gothic horror."
When I first read Parasites I got a little squeemish and wondered who had been peering into my nightmares lately. But then the warmth of it came through and all the creepy-crawly-dread became warm-fuzzy-protective-closeness. Honestly my first guess was Hex, but she sat out this round.
Victoria, I picked it out as yours by comparing it to other things you had written. I specifically looked at the way that you structured your paragraphs, and the way that you worked in descriptions of settings prior to dialogue. You seem very precise in your formula, no matter what I found of yours.
It's not a big secret that I wrote "Parasites." I suppose my style must be extremely easy to recognize.

Well, it' not a secret now you've 'confessed' :). I couldn't say that your style is easy to recognise other than it tends to be technically perfect. But what made me think it was you was the opening;

Haller scurried through one of Ship’s myriad corridors, her naked feet slapping the blood-warm floor. Each step made a sound like a distant heartbeat, soft and wet
I've underlined the parts that really made me think it was your work. It has a fluid-like form and gives plenty of sensory information in the description, and sets a tone immediately. That, for me, sets out a Victoria Silverwolf piece :)

I would like to read it all. It has grabbed my attention. Would you mind (or TDZ) sending it to me, please? I think you both have my email - it's the urbanshake one.


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