I don't know, I think this would be a pretty tough scenario to establish yourself.
You have no local currency and I think your ability to communicate with the locals would prove trying if not excruciating. (I believe that the English of the 16th Century was very different from modern usage and we'd struggle quite a bit. Now go back a further 500 years in development and you'll find a different language.)
I'm assuming that you'll have a few bits and pieces with you - say wallet and mobile, but apart from the wonderment that such trinkets and your clothes might generate, (and your mobile just becomes a curious trinket after the battery runs out), what use are these things to anyone else? (And they might be signs of the devil, see below!)
I suppose you might try and search out a trade that you could apprentice in - just for the lodgings, food and the eventual chance to show some of your advanced sciences - so maybe a blacksmith, merchant? I'm reasonably good with numbers and physics I suppose! But would anyone take you on, a strange looking foreigner essentially begging for work? And anyway I don't think I'd be much use in any trade anyway, I really don't have any experience of 11th century trades and my guess is that only a handful of experimental archaeologists or re-enactors will have any experience at all. The rest of us would, my guess, be worse than a five year old child.
Head out and look for the centres of learning might be a possibility, clever people there that might be more curious in you and what you can tell them...But you're about 100 years too early (Oxford the first English university really starts to take off in 1167). 13th Century might be better because then you could go and search for that proto-scientist Roger Bacon. But for us stuck in the 11th I guess you'd have to go to the Church. Hope your 11th Christianity is reasonable or you met someone quite nice, because...
...what do you tell them or anyone. The truth? "I think I've come back from the future." Or does this run the risk of being branded potentially satanic? Taking Bacon as an example he "
gained a reputation as the epitome of a wise and subtle possessor of forbidden knowledge, a Faust-like magician who had tricked the devil and so was able to go to heaven." He was also "
apparently imprisoned or placed under house arrest for his excessive credulity in alchemy" Do I know enough about 11th Century religion to avoid being branded a heretic or worse? Probably not
So I probably wouldn't say I was from the future of this country, too many issues. I'd have to come up with a iron-bottomed fictional back story.
It does depend on the state of my knowledge right at the start, but assuming that I know with 100% certainty that I have slipped through time about 1000 years and I can't get back, and this is my lot - I'm in the London of Edward the Confessor/William the first. I'd try and hide from anyone's view and try my best to find the Thames, slip out along to the coast proper - again hidden from view as best as possible. This might require I steal some clothes, or movement only by night, both with many risks as I don't want to be found by anyone till I:
Find a suitable bit of coast, make sure there has been rough seas a bit before and with a lump of flotsam swim out a bit, then 'wash up on the beach' as a shipwreck survivor, waiting to be discovered. Hopefully I get taken to someone in authority, where I'll spin a yarn that I'm from a faraway land. Which actually would be true of course, but in time not space... The ship I was sailing in, from a huge land way off to the West, was sunk in a storm as we were exploring these islands. Our language might be too far off for them to realise that I'm actually speaking English, but then I could spin a white lie if they notice ("We know Prester John and he mentioned you and your language to us, so this is our bastardised attempt at trying to speak it..)
Hopefully then as a legitimate traveller from some really exotic land I might be a bit of a celebrity, perhaps gain patrons that I could either entertain or talk ideas with, (set up a diplomatic embassy for my fictional country?) And perhaps then have a bit of time to generate something from my future knowledge for these Saxons and Normans that makes me valuable and able to thrive. Something like make paper or as Vertigo stated lenses. It'll take me a bit of time to perfect it, so I'll need the leeway.
Or I get caught on day one and hung for stealing and being a foreign satanic spy