hey everyone how are you all
I just thought of something while I was in the Toilet ha that often happens with ideas doesn't it
Like I was saying about having some Daleks survive The Doctor and return with better plans it reminded me of a lot of Super Hero films like with Batman and Marvel.
You have the good guy about to win or stop they bad guy and maybe somebody distracts them but however it happens the bad guy gets away like with The Joker and The Red Skull guy escaping the train.
This add a lot of tension and anticipation you know ah shoot we were soo close to stopping the bad guy and you know they are adapting their plans and will return at some point and whatever they do then could have all been stopped if not for that one mistake or mis fortune by or to the Hero.
Even with Uncle Ben you find out Spider Man could have stopped Marko and his crew but through letting them get away thought he didnt know it would have a domino effect that ended up with Uncle Ben's death and it feels tragic and upsetting to the characters and audience, and you can get away with that in films especially SuperHero films that sort of Butterfly effect is often a part of making the character choose what they are gonna do with their lives, are they gonna move on try and live a normal life but do nothing about the cause of the tragedy, are they gonna get revenge or fight the enemy who did it and become a SuperHero and those two last ones often happen in story telling and Super films and even though I said 'get away with it' for story telling it works even if it is a trope it creates that feeling of if things were different adds tension for the confrontation or if they enemy gets away and they pose a big threat tension and worry and respect for the enemy all build with the character and audience.
So I think thats what good be good to use for The Daleks and yes I know the New ones in Victory of The Daleks got away and pose the threat I speak of but outside cause meant the producers and show runners didn't stick with it and we missed an opportunity there but I dont know if its because we have seen Daleks flew before (Dalek Cann) or we are soo used to seeing them in general the impact of that we have escaped you Doctor works for the story of does the Doctor let them go or safe the humans but it doesn't work in the big picture as we know Daleks will come back and The Doctor should try and safe people first and there was no big end for the they got away and they did this we didn't get that and we know that now so it doesn't work anymore in regards to building tension and worry as we know these Daleks getting away didn't result in anything where as when we look back at Dalek Cann's escape yes it was a run away but not we are soo scared of you Doctor we are running its a last ditch effort to survive not cause Cann is scared (The Doctor even offers to help him) its cause he and is kind must survive by any means possible not running away cause The Doctor might blow us up like in Victory, these part is up to interpretation but I think there is a difference in why both ran away and how we as an audience feel the impact of both.
Though my point is Dalek Cann escaped The Doctor was soo close to stopping him from all his efforts to be bad and cause destruction and at the last minute he escaped and even in the ep at the end you could tell The Doctor was worried about it and it felt foreshadowed and we see later on Dalek Cann helped create this massive invasion plan so you can look back and see ah shoot if only The Doctor had stopped him in Manhatten , the meaning for his escape and worry by The Doctor and the show in general all of it built tension about this Dalek and what he would be up to and then when it hit you look back and feel tragedy on it all.
Sometimes its not worry and the hit in a short time frame like in many films, you can build the distance over a series or series of films which all helps build the fear of what is the enemy up to or even after they are back and done bad things the longer they get away with it the more that tragedy of them getting away hurts like with The Joker, if he was stopped long ago or before he went insane and got all the power of his team ect BatMan and his city would be at peace and lots of lives and destruction never occur like The Would you go back in time to Kill Hitler (I'm sorry if I shouldn't have brought that up) my point is if you see all the damage they do later and you know you could pin it all down to a moment in time where they could have been helped or stopped but neither occurred it really brings that sense of tragedy same for Romeo and Juliet I often think of that note (from the film) and if only it arrived on time and thats what makes these stories films ect classic.
To wrap this up I just think if some of The Daleks could have that in Doctor Who maybe through a few Series or we see them in some eps for a number of Series not just the big ending at the end of the series they are from cause we know big bad happens at the end of a series and its normally Daleks (we still need to freshen up their fear factor space of time between appearances ect to help them in general and this/these get away Daleks) if we have that we should have stopped him we had him/they and now they are gone build the tension and worry and give it that impact that hit when they are back and you can keep them around to do more damage and really build that tragedy, much of what I said in the paragraphs above, this effect for a Dalek or a couple of them I think could really help and I sort of forgot my rhythm and I dont wanna go round in circles so I think my main ideas/points are there and this superhero effect I think could really help The Daleks fear factor, build tension for The Doctor and us the audience and make the Dalek or Dalek's who got away encounters more memorable impactful and generate massive respect, fear and tension along with great levels of tragedy depending on what these 'get away' Daleks caused and if they carry on plus with the look back at the time they got away and if only they could have been stopped.
I really enjoyed this and finding patterns in a lot of Super Hero films and great fiction and story telling and writing this all, feeling like I really cracked a great idea for Daleks
and to think all this snapped into my head while in the toilet ha
take that Moffat hehe just kidding
Regards - Declan Sargent