Fantastic Juliana. Congratulations!
I replied thus:Officially, the unoffical magikers are termed 'thaumaturges', which I'm not so happy about. Popularly this kind of magic user (the illegal kind, cheeky ne'er-do-wells that they are) are termed 'witchkin', which I don't mind so much and is good for the plural, but more difficult for the singular - I'd prefer not to use plain old 'witch'. And I'd still like a punchier official term. But I'm out of ideas.
I understand that in German, there is the Musiker(in f) (musician) and the Musikant(in f) (musician, minstrel) and even the Musikus. So far, so Collins German Dictionary. However, according to the late Louis Kentner, in an article which he wrote about piano playing, a Musikant is - I'll paraphrase to avoid legal action - someone who isn't really a concert artist, but more of an entertainer. (He doesn't mention the Musikus.)
Thanks! Oddly enough, I didn't see it as one of my twist stories, and I wasn't deliberately trying to mislead anyone, quite the opposite, so I was relying just on good old fashioned glad-to-see-his-comeuppance.I thought that was a great story, TJ, and a fine example of setup and twist.
I have to confess that though I liked aspects of yours, I couldn't properly follow what was going on and who everyone was. I approach the 300 worders exactly the same way as the 75 worders, so only one relatively simply plot, but more time to expand it and make it clear. I wonder if anyone else has this problem? (Might be worth a thread of its own, prehaps?)The idea behind mine might have been to cram in as stupid an amount of plot as possible. I realised this when I tried to describe the story to a friend and took about a thousand words to do so.
It's not the first time, either. I really can't seem to get to grips with how much or little to try to do with 300 words.
See, this is the reason I don't look at the poll until the last day. If I'd known I was leading at any point, I'd have been making little effigies of other people and sticking pins in them!Congratulations, Juliana and commiserations, TJ. With a couple of days to go I thought you had it in the bag.
Oi! I heard that!Good thing TJ didn't win - she's getting too good at this, we may have had to consider banning her from entering for awhile just to give the rest of us a shot...
I approach the 300 worders exactly the same way as the 75 worders, so only one relatively simply plot, but more time to expand it and make it clear. I wonder if anyone else has this problem? (Might be worth a thread of its own, prehaps?)