Discussion Thread - 100 Word Anon Writing Challenge for December 2014

Well done, Hex. A brilliant story, worthy of the win.

Thanks to all who put my name beside entries far greater than my own :D Flattered!
Also, my apologies to those whose wonderful names were pasted next to my misguided experiment :oops:

At first, I really didn't like the theme (sorry Robert) but then I read the entries it produced and was blown away. Truly diverse and intelligent imaginations all round.

The only guess I was sure of, was Victoria's. That smooth flow and rich description gave her away - fantastic.
Congrats Hex!

This was a very hard challenge for me and a couple people did guess me. I knew my entry lacked a punch but I had to get something down

On to the next thingy
I did wonder about it for you, Mosaix and narrowly jumped the other way (mainly because of the improve our....thread, which made me wonder if you'd pump for another all dialogue one so soon.)

The idea came immediately I saw the theme (who knows where from?) and dialogue seemed the only way, so I had no choice, really.

Anyway, next time I'll avoid dialogue. Or, maybe I won't. :sneaky:
