It's a wonderful story--a very worthy championship tale in a very fun, competitive challenge! I really loved your take on Robert's wonderful theme.
A big THANK YOU!!! to farntfar for running such a terrific event! I know we're all thinking the same thing: farntfar as permanent host of the 100 worder!!!! Hah-hah, sorry farntfar...I suspect you will never speak to me at the site, again! But I would like to say that if we wait until, say, mid-February to hold the next 100 word challenge, I would be happy to volunteer as host (I might need help here and there, and this seems a bit frightening to me, but I would like to contribute). I wouldn't be able to host in January if there's a challenge then--too much going on that month--but I'll volunteer for the next hosting duty after the first month of the new year.
This was such a great challenge! I want to thank Dusty for the listing. And thank you to Remedy for the vote!!!! And thank you Victoria for your vote and kind words about my poem...I was beaming when I read what you'd said--what you wrote was lovely. Thank you, too, to the anonymous person who voted for my anonymous poem!
I guessed 6 right, if my calculations are kind of surprises me that I did so well. And Robert, what everyone else has said about your's very nice to read. Again, congrats, Hex, on an amazing story!! CC