Sad news: Terry Pratchett dies, age 66.

I checked the publication date in my copy of The Colour Of Magic. 1985. I bought it new.

Thank you, Sir Terry, for three decades of wonderful stories upon a flat world upon the backs of four elephants upon the shell of a rather large turtle.
I think he'd rather love this:
Could not believe this when I first heard it, my first reaction was anger, life can be so damned unfair.
Sixty-six is no age at all.
The thought of no more Discworld books is just so saddening.
Farewell Sir Terry.
He's on my to-be-read list. Sad that it will all be posthumously now. Rest in peace.
I know, but I can't help wishing that we could have seen them. I've just set my 9yr old on the path of Tiffany, in Wee Free Men. I re-read it whilst she was in the pool while we were on holiday. I cried when the subject of Granny Aching's death came up (part because the death of my dad is still raw, and part because I miss all the stories that TP will never finish and the thought of him gone brings me very similar pain to the death of my dad - there is so much that I will never get to know now their gone)

I respect it nonetheless. But a wee bit of me hopes that Death, and Blinky, have the harddrives saved somewhere in the cosmos!
I believe someone made a comment on social media somewhere in support of Pratchett's decision: "Words are too important to be left lying around." It's the sort of thing he would have said himself; in fact maybe it's a quote from one of his books, but if so it's not one I remember.

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