Stewart Hotston
Well-Known Member
@Stephen Palmer maybe. The choice of words was because it is a quantum effect at the macro-level. i.e. while still far away from an actual cat in a box, they are effects that are genuinely macroscale (in the sense that they aren't microscale effects that can't be observed to have an impact at scales larger than we would commonly say was the barrier at which quantum effects are drowned by noise).
@LordOfWizards - see here for a layman's explanation of how QM is involved in something as basic as smell:
How do you smell? | Latest Features |
for birds, this isn't a layman's paper but there you go:
@LordOfWizards - see here for a layman's explanation of how QM is involved in something as basic as smell:
How do you smell? | Latest Features |
for birds, this isn't a layman's paper but there you go: