I try to help out how I can, but as you know, there is only so much time in a day between work, school, free time, reading and writing, for me. I think you have it all down very well Springs and I'm not sure what else there is! I have nothing to do with Goodreads yet (think I signed up some time ago). It feels like there are too many things to keep up with online or on our phones that it can seem overwhelming at times.
I try to do my own blog, like peeps FB stuff, Share it, retweet it, favorite it...and so on. I have tried to support the Chrons peeps more lately, whether that means beta reading something, or buying their books and reviewing. In the past year I have had the chance to read, Teresa, Stephen Palmer, Ralph Kern, Chris Guillory, and have bought a few others. (still waiting for my Boneman book to show up at my home via Pterodactyl someday) And I will continue to buy the books (at the least the Ebook) and not because I feel guilted into it, just because I do want to support and offer sales...and in truth, I want to see what my peers are writing, how they do it, and maybe just maybe, it will help me improve my own writing.
So after all of that, I think you are on the right track Springs.
Oh one thing I have noticed, is there are select people who often post to the groups on FB and get some conversations going there...in the Horror Writers group or the Space Opera group, so maybe there is another avenue that might help? Becoming a regular contributor to those groups, so when you blast them with a 'Buy my book' (Sam Sykes style), they will know your name and might pick it up because of it.
And just so you know Springs, I'm trying to time my book right now so I finish and don't start another book, so I can read your's via Kindle at the end of the month!