Discussion - June 2015 100 Word Anonymous Challenge #7

The Ballad of Parsimone - a rhyming tale that sees a prisoner finding escape even when it seems impossible.
Great entries so far.
After a very busy start to June I have finally got around to doing some writing and posting something.
Aha! So one of the recent stories must be yours! Or maybe you're trying to confuse us. Speaking for myself, that's not difficult....

Oh, sorry, I meant I finally got around to posting something in the discussion thread. Did I not make that clear, silly me. :sneaky:
I'm not even sure I've found a style to stick to yet. Or maybe more words are required to reveal it.
I snuck a "u" into savior for my entry last time to be tricky, and no one did guess my story's authorship.

See, I knew somebody would start to be tricky! Expect this trend to only grow. Well played, will ;)

It is just that we're not distinct enough in style - now, I wasn't expecting that to happen.

In 75 and 100-worders, I think it's pretty hard to apply a consistent style because of the varying themes and genres - I'm mostly trying to write something that fits the genre and theme. It may just be my shortcomings, but I enjoy writing things that are different from one challenge to the next. In FWIW in my estimation there are about 5 regular Challenge contributers who have a very clear, consistent writing style they apply to the Challenges (that doesn't mean I'll guess them, but upon the big reveal I might go :"Oh yeah, that makes sense..."). Most others seem to vary with each month.

Who are those 5? Ah, that would be telling...

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