Discussion thread -- November 2015 75-word Writing Challenge

Do we get added on to Santa's for being struck off your's?

You know, I don't know, that was a good question. What if I add Santa to my list and what if I whack him before Christmas... there's a thought.

Needless to say, I was always on the naughty list!
willwallace – Big decisions, small decisions which direction is the best when all roads lead to the same destination, at liberty to choose shows that people may be fettered. But those with wings might fly whichever way they will.

DG Jones – A rather graphic and horrifically described piece delivers a shocking alternative to the standard creation myth. I don’t know what troop of gods these are, but I’m pretty sure I don’t want anything to do with them.

And there we go, just for DG.

And a clue: There are many absurdities out there, but I am referencing what must be considered one of the greatest absurdities in modern fiction.
And a clue: There are many absurdities out there, but I am referencing what must be considered one of the greatest absurdities in modern fiction.

Is it based on that famous quote from Jarod Kintz that I've never heard of before but just found by Google'ing?

"Writers fish for the right words like fishermen fish for, um, whatever those aquatic creatures with fins and gills are called."

Edit: my bet still goes on toes though.
Is it based on that famous quote from Jarod Kintz that I've never heard of before but just found by Google'ing?

"Writers fish for the right words like fishermen fish for, um, whatever those aquatic creatures with fins and gills are called."

Edit: my bet still goes on toes though.

That is an absolutely brilliant quote. I love it.

But it's nothing to do with my comments I'm afraid. :D
Glen, that's clever. If it is what I think it is. It's subtle, so I'm not sure, and I guess you can't say at this stage. So just let me ask you this. Were you feline okay when you wrote this?
Just so nobody has a heart attack, I must hasten to point out that it is not, in fact, the 23rd.

I just had an idea, looked at the story thread and discovered that the timing was perfect, so there you go. Yes, I am up to something. :p
Sorry Droflet, I don't really want to let the cat out of the bag.
Glen – Is it dead or alive? A doff of the cap to a story that is complete in its own right touching on one of the big questions, it takes a moment to work it out, then it hits you from out of the blue, it’s about Pavlov’s Dog. ;)

MAJE Mike – There is something ominous about an impossibility moving through the void, leaving one place, drifting toward another, ready to consume with no real thought, no mailed in warning, it just is.

Phyre – One for the euro sceptics, and funny to boot. What a great way to move further from Europe, it might even work unless we smash into something as we go in the opposite direction. Or they smash into us. On purpose.

ratsy – Belief and deities, it is amazing what might be seen as a god to something as a worm. Rather callous how he dismisses his unbelieving mother, then sudden seasonal changes in the weather can only come from one source, the gnomish Maker of all things.

TDZ – It might seem like a mass of nonsense but pause for thought and we can see someone creating something from all that went before, cash-ing in her cheque while leaving the way open and ready for what is to come.
