Discussion Thread -- May 2016 75-word Writing Challenge

My Barbara Cartland-esque entry is in. Can I take off the pink dress and purple rinse blonde wig now?
J5V - What a cush universe, where assistant assassins can afford to be lazy. It doesn't sound so competitive to me, more like a government regulated pseudo-monopoly.
dst62 - Good thing reality turned out like your dreams, otherwise you wouldn't be considered a hero, maybe you wouldn't be at all.
Bowler1 - Variety is the spice of life and time, keeps you from boredom. If not for that, better to be vaporized in an instant, at least you wouldn't be bored.
Luiglin - We don't have enough orc romance stories. This was a lucid one. Maybe you're paving the path to a new sub-genre.
Vaz - Poor spider. You wouldn't expect her eggs to be able to see. She would hope for the hatchlings to have a bit of vision though. If the vision is too bright to bear though...sigh...six sols is a viscous cycle.
Onya Bowler. I'm down for that. Sadly I think the mods have made their position clear. Drof sighs, and once again saunters off into the sunset.
Calliopenjo - Tommorrow should have been destroyed yesterday. Mercy keeps it preserved. But how do we even know that yesterday really happened? Do a bunch of relics on the floor and electrical memory impulses in our brains really constitute irrefutable proof? It doesn't matter. The illusion is real because of mercy.

Sadly I think the mods have made their position clear.

I like lost causes and it gives me a reason to shoot things. Three votes means most people will get a vote and hopefully be inspired to keep going. It took a year (faulty memory here, but it felt like a long time) for me to get votes on a semi-regular basis and it's only because I'm a stubborn git that I kept at it (I accept this is a forum of stubborn gits chasing an impossible dream). Three votes are fairer and the winner will still rise to the top regardless.

Three votes now!!!
ZZzzzzzaaaaappppPPPPP - take that Glen.

What do we want?
Three votes!
When do we want it?
At the end of the specified story submission period!
In an effort to broker a deal could I put on the table the suggestion of two votes?
Esrever – Ever and Ever, @Ashleyne. B. Watts – A time traveller on a mission to save the future from nuclear armageddon struggles to deal with the impending loss of their spouse.

Yesterday’s Cabaret, @reiver33 – Travellers from the future discuss plans to save their world from the insidious political influences of the past.

Reflections, @Victoria Silverwolf – This bewitching tale tells of a magical mirror and the wise owner who never used it.

Suffering, @Cat's Cradle – A dragoness takes revenge on the knight that killed her offspring. Repeatedly.

Wars End, @Gawian – A dying soldier contemplates his fate. Is suicide the only salvation?

Just in Time, @Cathbad – A scientist strives to save the space time continuum. Again. And Again. And Again...

Meanwhile on Tomorrow Isle, @hopewrites – Guardians of a limbo-like afterlife discuss logistical issues. Never has “do not put off until tomorrow what can be done today” been more true.

Timely Dispatch, @J5V – A time-travelling hitman decides to bide his time and explore all eventualities.

Before Hand, @dst62 – A portentous dream warns a garrison of an impending attack and elevates the dreamer to greatness.

No more tomorrows, @Bowler1 – Knowing the horror that awaits, a time traveller chooses to relive the past rather than face tomorrow.

Upon the eve of paradise, @Luiglin – Two lovers share an intimate moment with a delicious twist.

Star Traveller, @nixie – Voyaging the cosmos leads this traveller to many wonders and a worrying discovery.

Child of God, @Vaz – A parent grieves for the loss of their son, taken from them by a mysterious object that fell from the sky.

What if?, @Calliopenjo – The hopes and dreams of tomorrow are cruelly dashed by the despair of today.

Do Not Press” (the red button), @Glen – A time travel experiment goes awry in this up-jumbled tale.
