In case there's anyone who is watching this old 300 thread but hasn't been involved in September's 75 worder and its Discussion thread, here's a (slightly edited) copy of a post made in the latter yesterday. (Apologies for the repetition for those reading both -- you can switch off now.)
The next
300 worder will be starting on Saturday -- though, as ever, entries won't be allowed until the 10th to give time for those early entries to be polished, rather than posted in haste and repented at leisure.
The 300s have always carried a tangible prize of a book of the winner's choice, and we're all very grateful to Brian for funding this as he has done since the beginning. However, the cost and inconvenience of shipping has become a bit of a problem. Brian has also noted the rise in popularity of e-books since the 300 was started back in April 2011, and it appears these can't be gifted in the same way.
with effect from October's Challenge there is
a new prize for the 300 Word Writing Challenges.
The prize is now a £5/$5 Amazon gift voucher.
Not only will this make life less complicated for Brian and allow for e-books, but also for the first time it will allow winners to put the money towards a more expensive book that would be outside the previous prize limit, or indeed towards something other than a book if there are those who think they already have enough. (Is that even possible?!)
I'm not sure how the gift voucher system will work, so whoever wins this quarter's Challenge will be acting as guinea pig. Apologies now if there is a delay while we work it through.
In the meantime, I know
we'll all want to thank Brian for his continued support of the Challenges, even if we can't lure him back to take part in them.