The Belgariad trivia

The orb interacted with Polgara and she started glowing blue. She also made a choice, which was the beginning of her deciding to be guardian of the Rivan line (which was later confirmed in Belgarath's tower in front of Aldur's spirit, when she accepted the duty to be guardian of Geran and his descendants, following the Nyissans assassination of the Rivan king).
Belgarath meets Zedar when he's burning an offering to Aldur, or eavesdropping on him when about to encounter the Morindim en route to steal the Orb if you want first encounter of him as a turncoat

Beldin threatens to do something quite gristly to Urvon, I think something to do with his guts

Belgarath pops in on Corpse-face whose name defies my mild dyslexia something rotten after the Murgos settle in their squalid little kingdom and suggests they might want to prevent things from getting out of hand too early - possibly after Murgos were raiding the Algars quite heavily, if memory serves.
I was thinking of when Belgarath met Ctuchik earlier, as the Hound that confronted them after crossing half way back across the Sea of the East after the rescue of the Orb from Cthol Mishrak. However, as it was never explicitly said if on that occassion if it was Ctuchik or Urvon, the first meeting in Ctuchik's tower in Rak Cthol would be correct.

Both of the Zedar options are correct.

I gather you mean when Beldin threatened to gut Urvon with the Ulgo knife at Mal Yaska.

Your turn to ask a question.
What's the name of the High Priest of the Bear Cult in the Belgariad and who threatened to put him in jail if he didn't join the army in Enchanter's End Game?
High Priest Grodrek. I am unsure if I have spelt it correctly. He was High Priest in Val Alorn. His back ended up being broken at Thull Mardu. He lost his sanity later, when it was revealed UL was the father of the other gods.
Yes, Islena (unsure on spelling) who was Queen of Cherek and acting as ruler whilst Anheg was away with Ce Nedra's army. She was trying to save the high priest's life, as Barak's wife Mereel had told her that the huntmaster would drive his spear through him if the queen showed signs of caving in to him again.
Can you give us a hint where to look for ?

I can name them: Grolims, Malloreans, Murgos, Nadraks and Thulls. They are all people of Torak.
Malloreans are the result of generations of interbreeding between the Angaraks, Dals, Karands, Melcenes, etc, on the Mallorean continent.

Grolims are Torak's priests.

The other three groups grew out of the fundamentalists who followed Torak to Cthol Mishrak, the Murgo nobility/warriors (rulers), the Nadrak townsmen/traders (entrepreneurs), and the Thull serfs (did the work) - they were classes in the city, not tribes, but Torak either didn't know this, or didn't care.

Grolims are the priestly caste.
Malloreans are the non-fanatic Angaraks that were not taken to Cthol Mishrak, that have subsequently dominated (and intermixed) with the peoples of the Mallorean continent.
The others were the three different classes of the city of Cthol Mishrak, which over the two thousand years of living in that city became very different to each other.
Torak, when he came out of his seclusion in his tower of iron, having not paid attention to his Angarak's, having been fully concentrating on the Orb, thought that the differences were due to them being different tribes, not different classes.
That is why the Angarak countries founded on the western continent didn't function very well, as the Murgos thought that they were too good for working, the Thulls had no one to tell them what to do (no leadership), and the Nadraks had no one to swindle other than each other.

Your turn to ask a question The Ace.
Belgarath was one of my favorite sorcerer and I miss him. I'm sure I'm not the only one in here, so if you want to remember him, let's play a trivia game.:)

What was the nickname Garion gave him in Pawn of Prophecy ?

Loved these books but stunned at how much I've forgotten.
Loved these books but stunned at how much I've forgotten.

Hi CAKnight and welcome to the Chrons | :)

That's the purpose of this thread. You have the chance to remember by answering to the question above. @The Ace gave us one quite interesting and I have no idea where to look for an answer. ;)
The Nadrak's were almost wiped out by the Drasnian army. It was a 'm long time before the few surviving Nadraks came out of their trees to rebuild their civilisation.
After this military defeat Ctuchik became more subtle, and started using Dagashi to infiltrate the west.

It was supposed that Kal Torak's later devastation of Drasnia when he invaded the west with his army of northern Malloreans, Northern Murgos, Nadraks and Thulls was in revenge of this early defeat of the first Nadrak invasion.

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