A Growing indifference to Cinema Going

Ive seen Solo and liked it . But I have no burning desire to see anything else.
I've not been to a cinema since Crimson Peak—and I used to love going to the cinema.

The indifference, for me, stems from the fact that everything coming out of Hollywood, since about 2010, trends toward the brown side of 'meh'. Sure, there's lots of bright colours and loud noises and jiggly camera stuff, to trick the back parts of my brain into thinking that something interesting is going on. Meanwhile, the front parts of my brain are left to play in the yard, unsupervised, and get a little bit bored. Not much real variety; minimal and very simple storylines; bugger-all character development or growth; and the increasing incidence of generally unlikeable characters … I simply lost interest.
Against all the anecdotal evidence provided in this thread, the box office figures show a totally different story. There has been little recent change in audience figures since those I already provided you with. There are clearly some bad decisions on release dates (like releasing The Purge in the UK when England were through to the World Cup Semi-Finals.) This week sees the release of Mamma Mia 2, which is expected to break even the records set by the previous film, 10 years ago.

People just like to watch things together. It doesn't matter how advanced home cinema systems get, people still leave their homes to watch football in parks and public houses, and to watch films in cinemas. There is also a huge rise in outdoor cinemas in London.

We can debate the quality and subject matter of films, and their complexity and intelligence, but that wasn't what this thread was about. Film makers make films that sell, and until people stop watching rubbish, then we will get exactly what we ask for. Someone is still paying to watch the poor quality films.
Dave is right. I feel like this thread should be locked really as the title is proven to not be the case. It is just a vehicle for folks to complain about the blockbusters they get sucked into going to, instead of good films.
There are several threads about the quality of films and number of sequels, remakes, re-imaginations (and an argument that, that too was always the case anyway.) There are threats about independent films versus blockbusters, image over substance, and accountants in charge.

This thread was different, it was Baylor asking:
How many have you stopped going to the cinema regularly ?

I used to be a very avid movie goer, but for the past few years my trips to the theater have dropped off rather dramatically.

And I maintain that despite...
folks... complain[ing] about the blockbusters they get sucked into going to, instead of good films.

...the box office figures don't lie. They are still going to see them.

My personal gripe is the behaviour of the audiences (and there is a thread on that too) but I just go out of peak times to avoid those idiots. Maybe people have too much money that they can spend it on a ticket and then have lunch or a conversation instead.
Is it also a case that some of us are (or will be) hovering between the tenuous lines of middle and senior age - an age when we all become grumpy old men & women constantly at odds with "..the kids of today.." trope, and harking back to the good old days!
Al these super hero films dont interest me at all :mad:

The last superhero film I went to see at the Cinema The Winter Solider . I just don't feel like paying the money to see films that are only going to be on tv a short time after their cinema run.

If they made this. into a movie . I might go see it .:D

Ill go one better, how about a Mr Neutron movie ? Yes, an epic big screen adaptation of the ever resourceful master of disguise Ted Salad vs Mr Neutron. It would be a great cinema epic ! :D
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Haven't bothered with superhero films in a while or the last Star Wars. Even the supposed next Star Trek film doesn't fill me with a need to run to the cinema. Abrams has killed the franchise for me.

The only film that has me even remotely interested at the moment is Dune and that's probably 2 or 3 years away.
Haven't bothered with superhero films in a while or the last Star Wars. Even the supposed next Star Trek film doesn't fill me with a need to run to the cinema. Abrams has killed the franchise for me.

The only film that has me even remotely interested at the moment is Dune and that's probably 2 or 3 years away.

And it will likely span 3 films.
