Sekrit 9: The Guessening: Electric Guessaloo: Age of Guesstron

Sure. I'll put this crowbar on a string and hang it above your head, with a pair of scissors, a timer, and a thing that'll make the scissors cut the string when the timer goes off. I'll set the timer for Monday at 7:00pm Pacific Time.
Knock over a tremendously long and complicated line of upright domino pieces too.

@sinister42 Hmm. Is that string strong enough for that crowbar? (snap) WHACK!!! CRASH SMASH tumble-tumble-tumble-tumble-tumble KER-SMASH!!! Owwwwwwwwww........
Alright, so how about we give this guessing thread another week? That way you slackers will have plenty of time. Slackers.

I did a poor job of reading the discussion thread before posting my list of guesses.
Only now have I realised that Victoria Silverwolf and Phyrebrat received two secret stories each :(
This isn't like voting -- you're perfectly welcome to enter another list of guesses. :) Frequently, after a number of guesses are in, we start getting hints from either people saying (as hope did) "one person guessed me right" or the person running the show saying "this person has three right, and that person has two right" and things like that, and then people re-guess based on the hints.
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T Workshop 62
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Phyrebrat Workshop 37

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