Benevolent Galaxy Being
I made it........... thud 
Thanks, Cathbad!
Well then, I am thankful you voted on this particular night! I greatly appreciate the vote!I think I know why more people don't vote - it's just too difficult to choose!
Anyway, it was a struggle but I managed it, but on a different night, it could easily have been a different three
The Boss Cathbad
Dungeon Club Luiglin
Revenge, Served Hot Joshua Jones
Thanks for the comment. I bristle a bit, however, at the term "the future", me and Dr.Strange think there's a bunch of 'em. I couldn't take another step if were not so.s.d. Ervin -- This imaginative story depicts in convincing detail a possible danger of the future.
Thank you, @Victoria Silverwolf! I am so humbled to see how many people are enjoying my story. It is also really interesting to see how spread the voting is this time. At my last count, 22 of the 32 stories have received at least one vote. Looks like we all want that novel...Culhwch -- The spare, matter-of-fact style of this spine-tingling tale heightens its tension.
Heijan Xavier -- This philosophical musing on the nature of reality leads the reader back and forth between the abstract and the concrete.
M. Robert Gibson -- A touch of light satire fills this comic fantasy with a wry look at bureaucracy.
RJM Corbet -- The sadness of this tragic parable is sure to make the reader regret that which is lost.
HazelRah -- This bittersweet romantic myth touches the heart with its sentiment.
Ashleyne -- The compelling power of this bizarre tall tale holds the reader spellbound.
The Big Peat -- This modern dark fantasy provides a chilling lesson in being careful what you ask for.
Moonbat -- This story of childhood's wonders and terrors combines charm with an ominous sense of retribution.
The Judge -- This imaginative fantasy reminds us that what goes around comes around.
Shyrka -- This exciting fantasy adventure portrays the terrible price that must often be paid for transgressions.
LittleStar -- This mysterious tale of fear is made more powerful by the fact that its terrors are not fully understood.
Starbeast -- The author creates an engaging story full of nail-biting suspense.
Ursa major -- This witty comedy of manners shows us the importance of little details.
Boy, this was a tough one. In the end I went with Rafellin, s.d. Ervin, and Joshua Jones. Maybe I'm showing a prejudice in favor of science fiction. It looks like the votes are spread all over the place as of now.