Ursa major -- This deceptively quiet tale show how thin the line is between the ordinary and extraordinary.
unbusy thing -- The depiction of a bizarre form battle reveals the insanity of warfare in this powerful story.
The Judge -- This allegorical fable addresses an important issue in a memorable way.
TheDustyZebra -- Through the use of myth, the author creates a portrait of the universal fate of humanity.
Mr Orange -- This eerie poem paints a portrait of a chilling transformation through free verse.
This was a very difficult challenge. There were many entries that were difficult for me to understand. Thus, my short list is quite limited. For managing the arduous task of fulfilling the requirements, while also being comprehensible and creating a compelling work of fiction, I selected these four names.
Perpetual Man
The Judge
For similar reasons, I cast my vote for a writer who makes a most memorable debut.