The 2nd movie will be more action filled, I think, and introduce many elements that remained unmentioned in Part One.
Can Villeneuve shoot action? All the action scenes were short and somewhat realistic. But it wasn't enough, when you know that there is that epic city takeover coming in the latter. If they really want to do it justice then they have to do it GoT style as grand as they can.
It's not just that but it's the whole spectacle, that he promises with Paul's flash forwards, meaning learning the ways of the desert, becoming Fremen, adapting their tactics and then applying them in a grand strategy to give a big finger to the Imperium.
No spice, no interstellar travel, because of the mythical reasons and the Navigator's being total junk without their drugs. It is intriguing that they showed the element for the downfall and that being the Emperor making miscalculation in the business. Harkonnen withdrawing the equipment and then having to dip into their strategic reserves.
In strategy terms, hampering with the business, destroying the port city and then inflaming the war with the natives are all mistakes that Bene Gesserit should have seen. But they're playing as if they knew nothing about anything, until it's too late. And then they are really cocked up.
So what Paul does in the second half is one of the most brilliant strategic moves in the SF history. It is far better than anything they've so far achieved in the SW universe. I also have to mention Foundation as we've seen that it is really trying to replicate that grandness associated to the product. And that grandness is something we haven't seen ... yet.
I really hope Villeneuve is up for the challenge, but if not, I think having Spielberg or Eastwood in the advisory board wouldn't be a bad thing. Latter one is there because Clint has supreme knowledge from making action and in his late years he has also developed that grand eye.
I know that he doesn't dapple in SF or in Fantasy, but he has that knowledge.