Discussion - October 75 Word Writing Challenge

Clarification required. Does Mythology/Fable mean Mythology or Fable or a mixture of both?
They can be taken as the same in some respects. Both are attempts at man to rationalise the world and teach a moral. In my opinion, of course :)
The thing with fables is, though, they're often shorter, can be more slice of life, and usually have less...action to them, but, the morals of the stories, at least with Aesop's fables, are explained at the end of it. Of course, that would eat into the word count.
@Karn's Return .... Justified .... Karn points us to the fact that in mythology even the Gods have second thoughts and doubts.

@Luiglin .... Without a song of his own .... Luiglin presents us with a fable reminding us to widen our focus as we strive in life.

@Calliopenjo .... Didn't Need It .... Calli tells us a tale to remind everyone never to miss the obvious.
Interesting way of seeing it there, Parson. A shame I can't actually explain it all yet, but keep an eye on the title for any clues there.
Well, my entry is in. A bit of a struggle to squeeze that satisfyingly into 75 words.
But now I can concentrate on something completely different. 300 words.
@Elckerlyc .... The Creation of Shadow .... Elck writes a myth which teaches about shadows and hubris.
Well, I'm in. Don't usually enter so early but got a busy month coming up: some City games, a few days in Oxford, Dark Skies night, New Scientist Live Exhibition (Prof. Alice Roberts talk) and week on the Isle of Wight with the family, so I thought I'd better enter whilst I could.
@Daysman .... The Fate of Kings .... Daysman illustrates the Biblical maxim "the race is not always to the swift."

@mosaix .... The Fox And The Rabbit .... Mosaix reminds us of the truth that you have to pick your proverb to suit the situation.
