Discussion - January 2020 - 75 word writing challenge

C.A.T. here - I'm told my author has threatened to enter this competition with me as the main character. Oh yes I do sooo like being in the limelight... but I'm no pet, not even of the controllable robo-cat variety. So if she dares enter this competition with me as the star of the story (well, what else would I be?), then will the controllers please reject the story. Now, where has my author got to... I need some very sharp words with her....after I've sharpened my beautiful tungsten claws...
Off we go on a January Cat-astrophe which will last about a dog year. It will force us to usa a boa constrictor on our word count.

@Cat's Cradle .... The Irresistible Allure of the Far-Future Scientist .... Cat tells us a "jazzy" story of an attempt at a scientific seduction.

@dannymcg .... How to live in the lap of luxury: .... Danny goes "Baaa" to all these cuddly stories and says "Let's let the animals be true animals."

@Culhwch .... Sweetie .... Cul lifts up the biblical maxim, "it is not good for man to live alone" and let's us feel its emptiness.

@mosaix .... Man's Best Friend? .... Mosaix writes a terrifying tale which reminds us that what you can't see can hurt you, and with a stick.

@Ian Fortytwo .... Two white mice. .... Ian leaves me wondering about how animal intelligence might develop.
@reiver33 .... From The Pages Of… .... Reiver lets us know that they might need a moratorium on the naughty Kreiger’s Emporium.

@Guttersnipe .... Untitled ..... The Snipe brings a kloof with oof into the battle.
