Discussion - January 2020 - 75 word writing challenge

@Marvin .... STARTER KIT .... Marvin introduces us to a pet which is difficult to breed on demand.

@Adriano P. Eliezer .... Please don't kill her .... Adriano leaves us wondering who or what that was.
Great first entry into the 75! Welcome to the Chrons.

@Ursa major .... Not Just For Christmas .... Ursa gives me an untranslatable translation which I'm sure is a pun, but how? I don't know.

@telperon .... Fermi Feline .... Telperon tells a tale of a close encounter of the feline kind.
Nice to have a second new person in the challenge! Welcome to the Chrons.
@Marvin .... STARTER KIT .... Marvin introduces us to a pet which is difficult to breed on demand.

@Adriano P. Eliezer .... Please don't kill her .... Adriano leaves us wondering who or what that was.
Great first entry into the 75! Welcome to the Chrons.

@Ursa major .... Not Just For Christmas .... Ursa gives me an untranslatable translation which I'm sure is a pun, but how? I don't know.

@telperon .... Fermi Feline .... Telperon tells a tale of a close encounter of the feline kind.
Nice to have a second new person in the challenge! Welcome to the Chrons.

Thank you @Parson !
@Elckerlyc .... The Art of Ken .... Elck writes a humorous tale which had me muttering: "I didn't see that coming!"

@olive .... The Loyalty of the Absent .... Olive writes a story which makes me wonder: "Who's the pet here?"
---- I just recently heard a story of a family who got a Guinea pig and two days later it disappeared and the family keeps wondering if and when it will be coming back. In the mean time to please their 3 children, they got another Guinea pig and the next day she delivered a litter. Oh, they are in for some memorable times.
Sorry, the ignorance but... how (or where) do we vote?
Once the challenge is closed to new entrants (which will occur less than a minute before midnight GMT on the 23rd of the month), a poll is put up in this sub-forum, i.e. Writing Challenges. In addition, links to the poll will be provided from this thread and the closed Challenge entries thread.

Before you vote, please read the (first and only** ***) post in that thread.

** - Posts that are erroneously posted in that thread will be moved to this thread.

*** - If there is a tie at the end of the polling, those jointly in the lead will have their stories put in a tie-breaker poll (a link to which will appear in the origianl poll thread and this thread), Either a winner win emerge from that (which is usually the case), but if this also produces a tie, the Challenge will be awarded to the two (or more) stories that are still jointly in the lead.
Wrote a little story that I was quite happy with. Left it brewing a while before returning to read it cold & thought yep, that'll do.

Then realised at the moment I was about to submit... wrong genre!!

Aaaargh. Back to the drawing board
I had an idea from the start, but trying to write it has been tortuous.
Then I read these words of wisdom:
I think that's the trick -- trying to make sure you haven't got too much story for the length. If what I'm writing feels like it's going to be too big, then I'll cut my losses and start again. If you look at the types of stories that win, I think you'll usually find a simple narrative, well executed, and rarely something complex squished down into seventy-five words.

Oh, and keep what you toss, because it always might fit a three hundred worder some day!
I cut my losses and went back to the drawing board. Same basic idea, much different outcome. Not saying that it is great, but pared down for sure. Thanks, Culwich!
@nixie .... When Kin Come to Visit .... The Pixie writes a story everyone should have seen coming and now should be afraid, very afraid.
..... When I first read the title, I read when KIM comes to visit. And I thought we were headed to North Korea.
