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I think my mobile has picked up a virus. I'm having a bit of a problem uploading files.
I've dumped about a hundred dead links that have the files eaten out if them so far. Very sad. Won't know what I've lost until I look for it.
Yes I know. Social distancing is for protecting machine information from virtual viruses too.
Somehow the bad bit got in through the video game I often play both on and offline.
Not really my fault. Google play did a mass upload of newer app versions and it snuck itself in from there.
It's all right though. It won't take long to get sorted, and even if it lingers,
I can finish the rest up jacking from online things that will never go through my unit.
Bummer! When you’re so busy, too.

Come to think of it, I just updated my Google apps. Fingers crossed that this isn’t a general problem... Perhaps you should tell Google about it?
Yes you should.
Just let me borrow Furiosia's War Rig from Mad Max Fury Road and I will pop over and retrieve it for you.

Do you happen to
remember the starting Code?