While waiting for my car to get some extensive repair work done, I made it through two light reading nonfiction books.
Now I Know: The Soviets Invaded Wisconsin?! . . . And 99 More Interesting Facts, Plus the Amazing Stories Behind Them (2019) by Dan Lewis. The title is a bit of a cheat, as the "Soviet invasion" of a small town in Wisconsin was a simulation, to demonstrate the evils of Communism. An OK volume of trivia.
Captured! Inside the World of Celebrity Trials (2006) by Mona Shafer Edwards (art) and Jody Handley (text). This collects courtroom drawings with descriptions of the cases, which either involve movie and TV stars, or particularly notorious crimes. Interesting.
I am now working on Ingenious Patents: Bubble Wrap, Barbed Wire, Bionic Eyes, and Other Pioneering Inventions (revised edition, 2018) by Ben Ikenson and Jan Bennett, a big volume dealing with all kinds of devices.