@Edoc'sil .... Forbidden Knowledge .... The spirit might be fully enjoying its ... erm ... life, but its knowledge is less than godlike.
@JS Wiig .... Pirates of the Kahr-ubd-eon System .... In the end being prepared for trouble means being able to salute it as you pass it by.
@Wayne Mack .... Coffee Please .... Frustration with polite social norms is not species specific, but breaking those norms is not helpful.
@Jo Zebedee .... SOULLESS .... The one who is truly untouched by the fray goes her own way unfazed and powerful.
@autodidact .... Three Hundred Words .... Not knowing can drive you crazy. Actually, it'll drive you more crazy than knowing the worst.
@farntfar .... I see a red door .... Maybe we can't see all there is to see, but we can be sure that if we should see it, we won't see anything beautiful.
@paranoid marvin .... A Fright At The Museum .... Is it a fright night? a fight night? Or a flight night? It's still nothing the meek will seek.
@Luiglin .... When all else fails .... You never know what you don't know and sometimes you know what you think you don't know.
@Rafellin .... Stare Down .... Never believe that the gods aren't looking.
@Victoria Silverwolf .... Valse Triste .... The logical if sad end to a masked society.
@Cat's Cradle .... The Dying Breaths .... The saddest words from kin or kith, "It's all about me."
@BT Jones .... Reflections in Obsidian .... In life we see the reflection of the original sin. "I shall be god."
@Guttersnipe .... The Monster Behind the Mask .... The true monster in any story is the monster in our mind.
@The Scribbling Man .... Mosaic .... All the disparate parts make a picture, but it's not pretty.
@mosaix .... Mass Coverage .... A story that puts pride in its place and sewage all over your face.