James Webb Space Telescope

I remember I think it was a probe to Uranus (or perhaps Pluto?) where it was almost sent up without a camera to see what it looked like. The scientists etc. where much more concerned with the data than with any visual depictions of the planet, and it was an (almost) last minute decision to have a camera onboard.

I think it's images like that, and like these, that help to fund further missions and to keep it in the public conciousness.

They also make you wonder how it could be possible that things so beautiful aren't made that way to be seen.
New discovery announced

It is probably screen burn-in from astronomers partners emailing-
"Why do you always have to work nights?"
Sigh....no, I didn't mean that. My mother boarded at a Dominican convent in Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) which was frontier country in the day. No easy life for sure, but not unremittingly bad.
I was responding to Parson's "BITES TONGUE".

Normal parson bahavior no doubt. LOL
