But not too much; otherwise one would be in no fit state to write anything at all. (On the plus side, one would likely be experiencing some sort of personal liminality.)so you can get even do experimental stuff
But not too much; otherwise one would be in no fit state to write anything at all. (On the plus side, one would likely be experiencing some sort of personal liminality.)so you can get even do experimental stuff
I've got a headache.Now where did I leave that gas-powered thinking hat of mine?
Some thresholds are just less amenable to breaching, I guess.Is that cough some part of the experiment Ursa? What did the doctor do to get that sound from you?![]()
Re the April Fool prank — no such luck. The absence of genre comes from recent voicenote chats with @The Big Peat about the subjectivity of genre terms and application. The theme comes from, well, my kinda-sorta obsession with the liminal.
You threw yourself under the bus, let's be honest.Oh yes, throw me under the bus with this.
I look forwards to seeing what people do with this one.