Thank you, all, this is your Majesty addressing you all (no jokes about Queens!!),
One has utterly enjoyed the entries my subjects proffered to keep one entertained. My long list etc are far longer than usual.
This has not been a mensis horribilis, quite the contrary, one has flourished with the darkness inherent in liminality…
I’m really struggling to choose a winner from
My top entries
At the moment:
Top 5, *faves, shortlist
Yozh - eta - the ageing angle is horribly pertinent to me atm
Guttersnipe *
Dan Jones *
Christine Wheelwright
Peter V
Bren G*
Johnnyjet *
Starbeast — toe curling delight seeing one of my fave films honoured !! (Black Hole)
Chrispy *
I’m going to have to wait a bit till I get home to choose my winner from the top 5. I might have to do a random draw because they each have so much going for them. Dan’s and Johnnyjet really reflect my personal definition of liminality (or rather the kind of liminality in genre I like), TJ’s horrendous Musical Theatre is outstanding in its (typical) cleverness, BrenG’s is a scholastic wonder and Guttersnipe has the meanness I like in mean literature.
Will get voted before the cut off but I curse you 5! Limne you all!