DISCUSSION THREAD -- 300 Word Writing Challenge #55 (October 2024)

The Judge

Truth. Order. Moderation.
Staff member
Nov 10, 2008
nearly the New Forest
It's the 1st, so time for another 300 Word Challenge! And as it's October, thanks to TDZ, we've got a suitably spooky image for you this quarter!

As ever, although I've drafted the thread it needs someone with technical know-how (ie Ursa...) to add the image itself, but think ghostly trees, and a solitary figure walking towards a strange light...

The Challenge thread is locked until the 10th, which will allow plenty of time for rumination, drafting and polishing for those of you who are standing like greyhounds in the slips, straining upon the start! (I'm in a Henry V mood today for some reason -- so stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood and imitate the action of a tiger!)

Meanwhile, this thread is open for discussion, waffle and praise for our great choice of image!

Good luck, one and all!
I am perfectly prepared to write a story about - checks TJ's post - a haunted waffle, should the inspiration photo allow such an interpretation!

Always have that little thrill of excitement, waiting to see the photo. Good luck, all, with your writing, CC
GULP! I was bluffing!
Would you accept an epic poem about a hero who wears pancake makeup? (It would be syrupy in tone, I can promise that!)
(Side note - still bluffing.:()
Genre for the 300 is as always -- SF, fantasy or other speculative fiction.

If you're wanting a sneak preview of the 75 worder, I've been in touch with Daysman, who's suggested something (which has made me go :eek: !!) but as yet doesn't have a theme to go with it, so you'll just have to wait a bit longer!
And the 300 Worder is up!

Only marginally topical for spook season, then. :LOL:
It's the 1st, so time for another 300 Word Challenge! And as it's October, thanks to TDZ, we've got a suitably spooky image for you this quarter!

As ever, although I've drafted the thread it needs someone with technical know-how (ie Ursa...) to add the image itself, but think ghostly trees, and a solitary figure walking towards a strange light...

The Challenge thread is locked until the 10th, which will allow plenty of time for rumination, drafting and polishing for those of you who are standing like greyhounds in the slips, straining upon the start! (I'm in a Henry V mood today for some reason -- so stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood and imitate the action of a tiger!)

Meanwhile, this thread is open for discussion, waffle and praise for our great choice of image!

Good luck, one and all!
I'm definitely going to participate in this. I was missing writing here!


And the image is spectacular... I already got 30 ideas!
A random sentence bumps into that image and presto! - a story arrives. Now to let it cool off.
Our October stories are always very difficult for me. I do not read horror. I hate Halloween. And I do not know why some people like to be frightened.
Our October stories are always very difficult for me. I do not read horror. I hate Halloween. And I do not know why some people like to be frightened.
I don't like gory stuff but do enjoy what I class as dark fantasy like King, Lovecraft and Barker. King for his characters, Lovecraft for the weirdness and Barker for the his imagination. I don't find them scary though.
Reading James Herbert as a kid scared the wits out of me though. Some of those seemed to have gory content for gory sake - sort of like a modern slasher movie. I've never re-read any of his stuff.
I'm not a fan of horror in general myself, though I can appreciate horror elements in a science fiction or fantasy stories. I can actually interpret this picture as either something scary or something more ethereal. We'll see what I end up with.
Our October stories are always very difficult for me. I do not read horror. I hate Halloween. And I do not know why some people like to be frightened.
I'm with you, Parson! I don't hate Halloween as such (though with apologies to all our US members, the Americanised commercialisation of it appals me) and I can understand why our remote ancestors felt that the spirit world was so close as to require fire and light as the darkness of winter encroaches, but I definitely have never understood the wish to be frightened!

But, of course, there's no reason to write a horror story. The image is there for inspiration, so there's no need to use all of the elements in it. A story about trees in a morning mist could be uplifting, or a person walking a lonely road might be walking to a bright future, or the lantern may be the sign of a homely house, where there is good cheer and company. Think outside the horror box!
Excellent photo Mike Masnick. :D Super-neato! Very inspiring. Now, where did I place my pull-start, gas-powered thinking cap? Or perhaps I should wait for the Muse to send me an idea. Hmm. :unsure:
But, of course, there's no reason to write a horror story. The image is there for inspiration, so there's no need to use all of the elements in it. A story about trees in a morning mist could be uplifting, or a person walking a lonely road might be walking to a bright future, or the lantern may be the sign of a homely house, where there is good cheer and company. Think outside the horror box!
Agree. The picture has an SF feel about to me.
