Re: Recent Buys
Princess Ivy: at Scotland does have a lot of bookshops they have a fabulous education system and a friend of mine Mel who's from of those parts and an ex girlfriend also and showed me in many interesting conversation the way certain Scottish minds develop with the very thorough and interesting Scottish education system as their formative growing up rites of passage..... My school was the streets and allyways 50s and 60s London North West London to be precise. Hampstead Heath was a real education I was in the middle of reading My way through the gallant's yellow jacketed sci-fi editions including things like I robot by Azimov, And many another author like A E Van Vogt, robert Anton Heinlein etc, My wife and I My wife and I have a small flat with bookshelves everywhere books everywhere we've got rid of loads in order to give us some space to be creative in we both sadly have this predisposition for textiles and books and take three steps forward and two back almost every day of the week as far as clearing stroke decluttering our flat is concerned we call it the tent anyway our precious money is sparingly spent however the two are books below are a couple of the things that I personally decided was worth spending a bit of a hard earned cash on and, open brackets she has been buying very interesting books on mycelium Networks and the relatively recently discovered abilities for trees to nourish and look after each other as a family groupings for her via her underground networks including the aforementioned mycelium once and so forth there's far too much in this universe to to look up and look up and read about and research anyway I'm rambling have a nice evening everyone later
"Dykes to watch out for.;.." by: Alison Bechdel (strip cartoonery)
attractive and fun because of history I have had with friends I had whilst working in London in the 70s
"The Silk Roads" A New History of the World by: Peter Frankopan
Finally a far more interesting history book than the typical westernised view oh how things happened in history for real rather than the ground is more of the privileged European stroke American et cetera et cetera