Dolorous Edd
Ever the optimist
*disclaimer - previous effort got lost after ages typing it up. very angry.
CBA doing it again. This is shorthand version.*
WHY is he such a loyal supporter of the Targaryen's? WHY does he want them to return? And illyrio could also be included in that question as well.
Why do people do anything: Money/power/Loyalty/Strong emotion - love or hate.
And i don't think it's any of those
Money: I expect vary's has got a fair bit stashed away, and with his "little birds" he could easily extort more from people who don't want to have their dirty little secrets revealed. So unless he has a really bad gambling problem, or a serious addiction to expensive prostitutes (unlikely, given his unfortunate situation ), he should have ample finances.
Power: Again, he already has power, and he strikes me as someone who prefers to wield his power covertly. If he's making a play for higher office, say the position of hand (or maybe even of king, if he thinks he could destabilise the region enough to make a move) I would say that would be right out of character for him, it's far too overt.
Loyalty: He's a native of the free cities, why should he feel loyal to the targaryen's?
Strong emotion - Love or Hate: He doesn't strike me as being a very emotional man, to do his job well i would think one would have to be very cold and calculating - sentiment would get in the way. The only time we've ever seen Vary's get REALLY emotional about something was when he discussed his castration, and i can't for the life of me see how a targaryen return to power in westeros would get him revenge on that man.
Finally, one has to consider the chances of the ploy succeeding - Until his death visery's was heir to the throne - a mad, angry, petulant child. He had no hope whatsoever of gaining support for his claim. Yes, Vary's could have planned to kill him/allow his death to put danny in line, but until she found her dragon's her chances were equally remote. Again, Vary's character does not strike me as being someone who would go ahead with a plan he knew would likely fail. He's a spider; he'd slink of into the shadows and wait for a better opportunity.
The same could be said of illyrio - He's a merchant; he's in the business of making money. The targaryen's are an appalling investment.
So, why are vary's (and illyrio) striving so hard to put a targaryen back on the throne?
My answer: Me thinks Rhaegar was not the only one to stumble across a certain prophecy.
WHY is he such a loyal supporter of the Targaryen's? WHY does he want them to return? And illyrio could also be included in that question as well.
Why do people do anything: Money/power/Loyalty/Strong emotion - love or hate.
And i don't think it's any of those
Money: I expect vary's has got a fair bit stashed away, and with his "little birds" he could easily extort more from people who don't want to have their dirty little secrets revealed. So unless he has a really bad gambling problem, or a serious addiction to expensive prostitutes (unlikely, given his unfortunate situation ), he should have ample finances.
Power: Again, he already has power, and he strikes me as someone who prefers to wield his power covertly. If he's making a play for higher office, say the position of hand (or maybe even of king, if he thinks he could destabilise the region enough to make a move) I would say that would be right out of character for him, it's far too overt.
Loyalty: He's a native of the free cities, why should he feel loyal to the targaryen's?
Strong emotion - Love or Hate: He doesn't strike me as being a very emotional man, to do his job well i would think one would have to be very cold and calculating - sentiment would get in the way. The only time we've ever seen Vary's get REALLY emotional about something was when he discussed his castration, and i can't for the life of me see how a targaryen return to power in westeros would get him revenge on that man.
Finally, one has to consider the chances of the ploy succeeding - Until his death visery's was heir to the throne - a mad, angry, petulant child. He had no hope whatsoever of gaining support for his claim. Yes, Vary's could have planned to kill him/allow his death to put danny in line, but until she found her dragon's her chances were equally remote. Again, Vary's character does not strike me as being someone who would go ahead with a plan he knew would likely fail. He's a spider; he'd slink of into the shadows and wait for a better opportunity.
The same could be said of illyrio - He's a merchant; he's in the business of making money. The targaryen's are an appalling investment.
So, why are vary's (and illyrio) striving so hard to put a targaryen back on the throne?
My answer: Me thinks Rhaegar was not the only one to stumble across a certain prophecy.