Fun Haiku

Like the Great White Whale
the Haiku thread surfaces
from depths of Chrons

a month has pass'd by
since the last post in this thread
Any new ideas?
Softly she returns
To the thread that makes her think
of Japanese odes.

A soft, windless day,
With no breeze to stir the clouds.
Yet all seems at peace.

a cherry blossom
drifting on an ancient breeze
soon whirls to the ground

to furui kaze wa
hayaku shinda
The rain falls and flows,
spilling over from rivers,
seeping into homes.

A break in the clouds.
A promise of drier times?
I truly hope so.
Quiet tonight on Chrons
Where are they all then, I ask?
New Harry Potter?
Lost within a book.
Enthralled by the author's words
and captivated.

(Either that, or they're all asleep from staying up all night to read it!:))
Leaden clouds sit above.
Dark and ominous they loom,
Threatening more rain.

(On a lighter note)

Gentle winds stir up.
Freeing the air of rainclouds.
Revealing blue sky.

(Perhaps wishful thinking?)

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