Favorite Star wars Character

I loath you sith worshipers :D

Darth Vader is the best.

but my favorite character is CP3O. He always as something to add:D
No offence but...C3PO is gay. i mean..listen to him. "Oh my god!' tell me that isn't gay!!!!
Lando's the man, I'm afraid.

I can't believe you like Sidious, but then take offence at Jango Fett.... For a start, anyone from the prequels is a little sad.

But if you are gonna have a Fett, it's Boba or no one.
Boba Fett died, how cool is that. Both the fetts died horrible deaths, what makes them cool. I am at a loss here.

Lando was cool but he becomes a business man and turns into a Donald Trump, now that is the uncoolest thing a smuggler could do.

Are we to take charactes only from the movies or do we include the expanded universe.

CP3O is a machine, now do we have problems with gay machines:rolleyes:
I have a problem with gay machines. 1. he discraces all of the droids. and 2. A gay machine is just not right.
Young_Flame_ said:
I have a problem with gay machines. 1. he discraces all of the droids. and 2. A gay machine is just not right.
May be you need to expand your little mind. And i guess you have problems with gays too:rolleyes:

He doesnt disgrace the droids because they do not think so narrow like you. They do not have a concept of machoism. They are sexless and that makes him not a gay machine and even if he sounds like a gay what is the problem with that.

And why is a gay machine just not right if i may ask so. Maybe you could enlighten me about how being a gay is wrong.:rolleyes:
Culhwch said:
Wedge Antilles, too, especially from the X-Wing books, but also from the flicks. And Admiral Ackbar. Ackbar was cool.
Ackbar is not just cool he is great. He is one of the greatest Admirals in the entire star wars universe.
hmmm. It's just my way of thinking..my religion. gayness is not.....nessesary. And yes, the droids do have gender.....I just some stuff about Star wars you don't.
So do they reproduce then;) i mean take part in sexual activties and have little droids of their own.

Just because a droid as female voice it becomes a female droid. And now we have gay droids, female droids, male droids. While we are at it, i would like to know how is their sexual preference developed. Their upbring, maker or a huge gay conspiracy to turn the entire galaxy into one big gay community:rolleyes:
Sometimes a droid is just a droid. I think this whole conversation is getting a little far off-topic, and a little too personal. Back to the topic at hand, guys...
I always thought Dooku was cool. I don't know if he is my favourite, but he is cool.
Jabba the Hut

fat, lazy, slugglike, everything i have ever wanted to be

darth vader

i am his father

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