Favorite Star wars Character

Muppet Yoda. Prequel CG Yoda wasn't quite the same. Not the CG so much as the attitude. I love the wise trickster of Empire.

From "How do you get so big eating food of this kind?" to "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."
In the films of the Star Wars universe it is hard to go past Darth Vader, but the Star Wars universe in its entirety (films, books, graphic novels and whatnot) I find it hard to make a choice between several characters, Darth Vader (of course), Luke (moreso in the EU), Grand Admiral Thrawn, Talon Karrde, Mara Jade Skywalker and the two 'droids, Threepio and Artoo.
While Mace Windu is a cool character, remember
"Master Yoda is many things, and I am not his equal in peace or war."

Yoda is the best :D
Exar Kun all the way.
I mean, come on, he invented the double bladed light saber.
How cool is that?
and his spirit lived on thousands of years after he gave it up! this guy, spirit rather, is crazy!
From the Movies - Darth Vader (OT)
- I always liked him the best when I was a kid. He had that cool costume and nobody ever talked back to him or gave him excuses unless they wanted to end up dead. When he did kill them it was never showy. Just the Force. I always thought he was funny too. "Apology accepted Captain Needa" Oh and he has the single more awesome voice in the history of movies.

From the Books - Mara Jade
I'm not too far into the (Planet of Twilight) so this one is subject to change, but so far I really like Mara's whole attitude about everything and how she developed throughout Zahn's trilogy, even with the other authors her character stay fairly constant unlike the others. An assassin, a smuggler and a Jedi, what's not to like?

From the Video Games - Darth Revan
Perhaps my most favorite Star Wars character out of all of them.
he is an unparalleled military tactician. He led the Galactic Republic to victory over the Mandalorians. Founded a powerful Sith Empire. Revan build the most badass droid in the history of Star Wars [HK-47]
He was a great leader, Revan managed to persuade a significant portion of the Jedi Order to rebel against the High Council, leading them into battle against the Mandalorians.
Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. Revan is all things
Technically speaking Revan was never evil in the Dark Lord sense. Everything he did he did to strengthen the republic for the coming threat: The True Sith.
got to say, having only encountered Mace Windu in the prequels and acted abominably by Samuel L Jackson... I can't see anything remotely cool about him.
Yeah, he was a bit annoying in Ep. 3.

Chewbacca has to be the best. His background and whole life are good. I am of course, ignoring Episode Three. There is no way he should be in that.
I'm not doubting his skill...only the way his character was done. The script work was horrible. I couldn't stand it.
R2D2. The real hero. Without that little, rebellious, mouthy droid all the "main" characters would be dead.

Apart from him it'd have to be Stormtrooper TK-666. They call him 'the beast' which is a bit unfair cos when you get to know him he's just about the funniest guy you could meet.

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