UK literary agents who specialise in science fiction and fantasy

If you sent 20 queries to appropriate agents and got no requests for material then I would suspect that your query letter is in need of examination. The query letter to a US agent is a difficult thing to get write. Have a look at Queryshark ( and see if you can rework your letter to make it more appealing. Also have a look at Query Letter Hell on Absolutewrite.
I would note that 63k is rather short for a manuscript aimed at the adult market
He's still listed on a few different sites, but query tracker says he's only accepting snail mail submissions. Maybe he shut his website down or didn't pay his hosting fees??

Mic Cheetham is she! Though I think Simon Kavanagh is running the show day-to-day.
There is a new agent at Luigi Bonomi who is looking for SF/F
Does anyone know what agents are currently active in the market for a masterful and wonderfully written work of just under 90k words, and a future science fiction classic (Aim high I say. It makes the crash landing far more exciting)?
Does anyone know what agents are currently active in the market for a masterful and wonderfully written work of just under 90k words, and a future science fiction classic (Aim high I say. It makes the crash landing far more exciting)?

Get thee to the internet and google #MSWL and Literary rejections - you'll find current wishlists on there. :) good luck!
Cheers for the best wishes, but I accept my chances of success here are low. I've found very little appetite for epic fantasy among US agents. Ironically, a US editor did show interest via Twitter, but can't take submissions directly. Catch 22.
A list I compiled a while ago of agents that might look at SF Fantasy and Horror/supernatural.
BUT I stress each one needs to be checked before submitting.

A. M. Heath
Aitken Alexander
Anderson Lit
Andrea Somberg
Antony Harwood
Baker's Mark
Blake Friedmann
Brickhouse Lit
Caren Johnson
Christopher Little
Colleen Lindsay
Coombs Moylett
Curtis Brown
David Higham
Donald Maass
Elise Proulx
Ethan Ellenberg
Fairkbank Lit
Faye Bender Agency
Firebrand Lit
Gregory and company
Halyard Agency
Jamie Brenner A&A
Jessica Faust bookends
Jodi Reamer
Joelle Delbourgo
John Jarrold
Judith Ehrlich Lit
K Green Lit
Kimberly Whalen
Kirstin Manges Lit
Laura Dail
Lazear Lit
Levine Greenburg
Linda Chester
Liza Dawson
Lyons Lit
Marjacq Scripts
McCarthy Agency
Nathan Bransford.
Pam Stickler
Prospect Agency
Rachel Vater
ReeceAshley North
Robbins Agency
Russell Galen
Talbot/Fortune Agency
United Agents
Wade and Doherty
zeno agency
Dear Susan,

Thanks for the list. I will probably be sending out some queries in the coming months. I will check before I submit, but this list certainly helps.

Many thanks for sharing.
Brian, Susan, thank you so much for the time and effort spent putting these lists together. So nice to have some up-to-date resources for UK spec fic agents. :D

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