Let poor Tyrion be a head of the dragon. Someone needs to cut him a break.
Ser Ilyn was scheduled to cut him.
viz, I'm on Kiwi's side on this one.
Yes, Tyrion was emotionally tortured by Tywin and Cersei. He never had a mother. Jaime betrayed him in his secret heart. His very life was threatened by Joffrey.
But Tyrion also had a big brother to defend him. A father who went to war for him. Wealth. Power. A tremendous intellect. Authority as the Hand of the King.
Is it incumbent upon someone else to find happiness and contentment for Tyrion? Who will this person be? How will they know it's their life's duty to make Tyrion happy?
Tyrion's joy of heart and peace of mind can only come from Tyrion.
Suppose when Jaime told Tyrion about Tysha that Tyrion said, "
Oh Jaime, I know father's such a jerk. You must have felt immense pressure to comply and to never defy him. I probably would have done the same thing in your shoes." At that point Tyrion was beyond empathy, he was full of hatred and he gave into it.
Can Tyrion pull out of this on his own? I doubt it. He needs someone to show him love and trust. No one besides Cersei and Jaime owe him this kind of support... Cersei will never do it... Jaime might, but Tyrion would have to be very contrite.
Tyrion might find himself a girl... he might trust her... but then again maybe not. He is now full of malice and hate. Until he decides to try to rid himself of all his anger, he'll never find peace with another person.
Now, do you think with Tyrion's love of books that he will find Rhaegar's book in the Free Cities? What about Sam in Oldtown? Sam loves books and Aemon tried to put him on the right track.