I understand where Kissmequick is coming from with regards to not finding modren books that compare with older, more loved works. I, too, find it harder to find books I enjoy in the same way, but I have realised that in many cases it is not the quality of the writing, but me that has changed over the years. My tastes are different, in fact I don't re-read old favourites now, as I have found that often the enjoyment I once had in them can be lost.
Something else I have learned over the last few years is that even if I am not keen on a published book, I can, most often or not, see why it has been published. I am not a fan of Scott Lynch's work, yet I can plainly see that he is a talented writer, that his story of Locke Lamora struck a cord with thousands of readers, and the buzz surrounding it was created by the readers far more than publishers' hipe. The book is not bad, far from it, but it is not for me. But I have no doubt that is twenty years it will be considered a "classic" of the genre.
As a want to be writer I tend to write the type of stories I like to read. I haven't yet produced a novel that has made an agent sit up and say. "Yes, I like this! I think it can be published." I know I might never produce such a work. I accept the fact that my chances of making it into print are very, very small. I still write and I still try, as I know that there is not a formula to writing a publishable novel. It is a matter of combining talent as a writer with a plot/characters that hook and entertain the reader, just like Scott Lynch has done.
As you cannot judge yourself as regards to talent, plot/characters etc, I tend to burden the poor agents/publishers that have to wade through my many submissions with that.