The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread **PLEASE READ FIRST POST**

Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

Ahem! I haven't yet finished rearranging my list. I'll try to have it in by the end of the evening (here). (Would hate to be let out on this, I've got to admit.) (Some people are so impatient.....;) )
Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

J. D. - take as much time as you want. There's no deadline. Sometime in the next year would be nice, but I'm flexible. I'll just add votes as they come in...
Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

Nothing like a little nudging to get me up off my fanny...:D

Okay, here's my list (though I hope you realize that cutting this much puts a person periliously near needing hospitalization...)

1. Tales of Mystery and Imagination, by Edgar Allan Poe
2. The Lord of the Rings, by J. R. R. Tolkien
3. At the Mountains of Madness and Other Novels, by H. P. Lovecraft
4. The Dunwich Horror and Others, by H. P. Lovecraft
5. Dune, by Frank Herbert
6. The Foundation Trilogy, by Isaac Asimov
7. The Gormenghast Trilogy, by Mervyn Peake
8. The Past Through Tomorrow, by Robert A. Heinlein
9. Again, Dangerous Visions, ed. by Harlan Ellison
10. The Cornelius Quartet, by Michael Moorcock

I'd really like to have included Dunsany's Gods of Pegana or Book of Wonder (after all, he revived fantasy as a short story form with these books), or Machen's The House of Souls (1906 Grant Richards edition), not to mention about 700 other things that I feel are darn near essentials... but I'll go with the above.

If anyone's interested: Poe's book changed the book of imaginative literature, has in one way or another influenced nearly everything that has come after, either primarily or secondarily, plus it's just a great collection of stories (I'm referring to the earlier editions, there have been several different ones, all quite good). I went with the two volumes of HPL because one has his novels, each of which has had a powerful influence and is also almost endlessly rereadable for sheer depth and texture, and yet some of his best work is in short story and novella form, hence The Dunwich Horror. Again, Dangerous Visions (I'd like to have included a book representing Ellison's work itself, because, aside from being a very powerful writer, he has had a huge impact on the field) because it either provided first sales/publications for many new writers who have since become paragons of the form, or allowed fledglings to spread their wings and show what they could do; it was also one of the best and most variegated examples of what the field could do at the time, and still provides a lot of very challenging reading. (It also, like a great number of his books, has a lot of good information for writers.) The Cornelius Quartet is, for my money, one of Moorcock's richest books both in subtleties and layers of meaning/textuality, and certainly has one of the best handlings of time and reality in a state of flux I've ever encountered, especially by the time you reach The English Assassin and The Condition of Muzak.

I almost left out the Gormenghast book -- not because I don't think it's important or good; it is definitely both -- but because it had not overtly influenced a great many writers, being a relatively slow seller until recent years. However, as the number of writers Peake influenced grows, it allowed me to go ahead and include a book I love and admire on the list. I did not include any of the more recent writers, as it's still early days yet on how "important" many of them will be to the field over time, and because of the limitation being set at 10. This was the hardest part, as I think a pretty good number are going to end up being as important as those I named....
Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

Gormenghast has been very influential - not to the same extent LotR was, but most of what Mieville termed the new weird owes a large debt to Peake. Strangely enough, Gormenghast also had an influence on epic fantasy - Steerpike was the original boy who escaped from the kitchens in an ancient castle to become something much more important. Sadly, after the leaving the kitchens most epic fantasy diverges.

This 10 is hugely limiting - 100 is difficult enough, but with 10 I feel like I've left out far too many great authors, even when I limit myself to one book per author.
Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

In the interests of constancy, elvet, I'd appreciate if you'd try. If not, I'll take your votes as being for the first book in each series named. I do intend to take the votes individual books of a series get and combine them to come up with a seperate series list.
Part of my problem is that I've only recently started reading fantasy, so I have not had the chance to read a series as the books are being produced , taking each one singley. So most of the time I jump into a trilogy and read the whole thing as a whole. I cannot even remember where 1 book starts and another picks up. Therefore it is hard for me to judge what would be the best book, as I've never read them other than in the context of the rest of the books.
I know this makes a difference. For example, with Harry Potter, I can tell you which book I like the best because I've read them independently of the others.
I'm going to edit my choices to just single books (though the list will be short), and save my favorite series for another thread. :)

Ok, for some reason I cannot go back to edit my original post.
Here's my new list:
Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit
War of the Flowers
Fionavar Tapestry
The Once and Future King
Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

I would definitely have preferred separate SF and Fantasy lists, I had to leave so much out :(. I have a feeling that SF isn't going to get much of a look in. OTOH, I wouldn't have been able to produce a horror list at all.

My list.

Just a note: I was going to nominate The Two Towers, but since others have been putting LOTR, I will too.

1. Dune - Frank Herbert
2. LOTR - J. R. R. Tolkien
3. Lord Of Light - Roger Zelazny
4. Foundation And Empire - Isaac Asimov
5. The Forever War - Joe Haldeman
6. The Day Of The Triffids - John Wyndham
7. The Sheep Look Up - John Brunner
8. The Worm Ouroboros - E. R. Eddison
9. Gladiator-At-Law - Frederik Pohl and C. M. Kornbluth
10. The Silmarillion - J. R. R. Tolkien
Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

Ooo great thread idea!

My faves, in no order, that would be too hard!:

1. Dragonlance, Dragons of Autumn Twighlight, Dragons of winter night, Dragons of Spring Dawning.

2. Maggie Furey, Artefacts of Power quartet.

3. Raymond E Feist, Riftwars, Magician.

4. Tolkien, LOTR.

5. David Gemmel, Legend of Deathwalker.

6. David Eddings, The Belgariad and Redemption of Althalus.

7. Ursula Le Guin, A Wizard of Earthsea.

I will add more soon.
Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

***Just a note to everyone replying to this thread - this is not a 'what are your favorites for general consumption' thread. This is a serious, what do you think are the 10 best speculative fiction novels, in order, to be compiled into a Chronicles list. As Culhwch stated - do not use an entire series as one entry, pick your favorite of the series and put your replies in order according to your feelings.

Lecture over (for now :) )

My list; and yes this was a hard task to only choose ten and in that, only single books not series.

10. Jhereg
9. Eye of The World
8. Good Omens
7. Battlefield Earth
6. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
5. Sword of Shannara
4. Guards! Guards!
3. Callahan's Lady
2. The Pyrates
1. Voyager

Now that I see my own list, I find it not worthy. Oh well. I did the best I could and chose those that brought me further in to their respective genres or opened new worlds and ideas to me, affected me at the time and help shape my view of the world or just amazed me so much that I continue to think about them or things that happened in them on a daily basis. Now, tomorrow I might have a new list :D , I know, once per member. C'est la vie!
Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

Eh? The original brief was for "favourite books". Nothing was said about "ten best" genre novels. For a start, "ten best" is way too contentious a subject :)
Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

culhwch said:
Go away and think very carefully about your ten - yes, ten - favourite books in the realm of speculative fiction. Then rank them from first to last.

Actually, the original brief was for your 10 favourite books.
Not 10 best genre novels, just your favourite 10 books.

It's also not about contentiousness (if that's a word!) it's a purely personal list of your favourite books. Of course it's gratifying to see someone else list a book you rate, but that's not the main idea. :)
Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

Um, that's what I said.
Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

I apologize for my mistake in typing 'favorite' - what I was trying to say is that the original request was for a list of 10 speculative fiction books chosen by you. 10 single books. Your choice/favorites. In your own order. I was just trying to clarify for those who may have skimmed the original post and missed the intention of the thread. I'm not trying to offend or annoy anyone and I apologize if I have done so, as it was completely unintentional. I'll shut up and go away now.

Go away and think very carefully about your ten - yes, ten - favourite books in the realm of speculative fiction. Then rank them from first to last
Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

You know I look at my list and I'm pretty certain there are others books that I've read that I prefer to some in my top ten.
Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

Okay, this turned out to be a lot harder than I first thought but:

1. Lord Of The Ring - J R R Tolkien
2. Tigana - Guy Gavriel Kay
3. Dune - Frank Herbert
4. A Game Of Thrones - George R R Martin
5. The Mad Ship - Robin Hobb
6. Jack The Bodiless - Julian May
7. The Gap Into Ruin - This Day All Gods Die - Stephen R Donaldson
8. The Deadhouse Gates - Steven Erikson
9. The Hammer of the Sun - Michael Scott Rohan
10. The Reality Dysfunction - Peter F Hamilton
Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

Top 10 Single books (as some have mentioned absurdly difficult):

1. All the Names by Jose Saramago
2. Mother London by Michael Moorcock
3. Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro (not my favorite Ishiguro novel, but the one that fall into the SpecFic category the easiest.
4. Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake
5. Famished Road by Ben Okri
6. Naked Lunch by William Buroughs
7. Jersualem Poker by Edward Whittemore
8. Dhalgren by Samuel Delany
9. The Chess Garden by Brooks Hansen
10. The Master and Maragrita by Mikhail Bulgakov

Madeness I tell you! No room to include Wolfe, Bierce, Self, Disch, Chabon, Chiang, Shepard, Pynchon, Calvino, Kafka, Marquez, Rushdie, Link, Mieville, Ballard, Cordwainer Smith, Chapman, PKD, Bradbury, Pavic, Kobo Abe, Jeffrey Ford, Moore (yes, the comic book writer), Angela Carter, Machen, Lovecraft, Ligotti, Auster, Lethem, Crowley, Chapman, Borges, M John Harrison, Schultz, Gray....

So frustrating!
Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

Yep! I'm still in a truss from having to do this. This comes under the heading of cruel and unusual punishment, if you ask me....:p
Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

Jay, J.D. and all others having trouble cutting the list to ten: I am certainly not compelling you in any way to participate. But if you wanna get folk to list their hundred favourite/best (I'll get to that) books, you guys can compile that data....

For me, my favourite books are what I'd consider the best. Sorry for the confusion there. But really, it's about what you feel. If you want to list what you think are the ten most important books, do that. If you want to list the books that have affected you the most, do that. Just know that they're all gonna be compiled together. The idea was to come up with a 'Chronicles Hall of Fame' - not 'The Ten Thousand Best Speculative Fiction Books Of All Time'.
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Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

nixie said:
You know I look at my list and I'm pretty certain there are others books that I've read that I prefer to some in my top ten.


Culhwch said:

Rules is rules. Sorry. As I said, I'll probably allow revisions after a certain time. My suggestion is you write them down so you don't forget them next time.
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Re: The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread

Hard? :) Nearly impossible . . . but giving you my favorites, not "best" or those with most literary merit or something else, makes it easier. So here goes:

1. The Left Hand of Darkness – Ursula K. Le Guin
2. Dune – Frank Herbert
3. Restoree – Anne McCaffrey
4. The Snow Queen – Joan D. Vinge
5. Aegypt – John Crowley
6. Lincoln’s Dreams – Connie Willis
7. The Mists of Avalon – Marion Zimmer Bradley
8. Courtship Rite – Donald Kingsbury
9. Red Mars – Kim Stanley Robinson

Only space for one more . . . should it be The Once and Future King, or Rite of Passage??? Gack, um, White makes me laugh, Panshin makes me think. Laugh, think, laugh, think . . .

Dang it, go for romance instead:

10. Partners in Necessity (three books bound as one: cheating?) – Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
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