The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread **PLEASE READ FIRST POST**

In no particular order:

The Mists of Avalon - Marion Zimmer Bradley
Magic's Pawn (Valdemar series) - Mercedes Lackey
Horn Crown (Witch World series) - Andre Norton
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover (Darkover Anthology) - Marion Zimmer Bradley
Interview With a Vampire - Anne Rice
Majipoor Chronicles - Robert Silverberg
Nine Tomorrows - Isaac Asimov
Camber the Heretic (Deryni series) - Katherine Kurtz
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (Narnia series) - C.S. Lewis
Homeland (Dark Elf Trilogy) - R.A. Salvatore
Vivia, Tanith Lee
The Dragonbone Chair, Tad Williams
The Book of Skulls, Robert Silverberg
Imajica, Clive Barker
I Am Legend, Richard Mattheson
The Brothel in Rosenstrasse, Michael Moorcock
Byzantium Endures, Michael Moorcock
IT, Stephen King
Knights of Dark Renown, David Gemmell
Lord of the Rings, Tolkien
After some searching and longer (a lot longer) process of ellimination (damn, I wish this could be a top 50 at least :eek:) I came up with this list.

1. Robert Heinlein "Time Enough for Love"
2. Frank Herbert "Dune"
3. Glen Cook "Black Company"
4. Roger Zelazny "This Immortal"
5. Raymond E. Feist "Magician"
6. Dan Simmons "Hyperion"
7. Harry Harrison "The Stainless Steel Rat"
8. Steven Brust "Taltos"
9. Isaac Asimov "Foundation"
10. Lois McMaster Bujold "Memory"

Only one book from each author, although I'd really like to add some secondary books, but my favourite authors list is way too long :(

1.The Illuminatus Trilogy - Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson
2.Magician - Raymond E Feist
3.The Amber Spyglass - Phillip Pullman
4.Shards of a Broken Crown - Raymond E Feist
5.Tear of the Gods - Raymond E Feist
6.Abhorsen - Garth Nix
7.Guards! Guards! - Terry Pratchet
8.The Rats - James Herbert :eek:
9.The Silver Chair - C.S. Lewis
10.The Fellowship of the Ring - J.R.R. Tolkein.

Sorry if it's a bit late.
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Ditto on the lateness thing, but I couldn't resist this...

1. Use of Weapons - Iain M. Banks
2. Neuromancer - William Gibson
3. Gormenghast - Mervyn Peake
4. Babel-17 - Samuel R. Delany
5. The Stars My Destination - Alfred Bester
6. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch - Philip K. Dick
7. Needle In The Groove - Jeff Noon
8. Only Forward - Michael Marshall Smith
9. Century Rain - Alastair Reynolds
10. Stand On Zanzibar - John Brunner
1. Legend - David Gemmell
2. Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy - Douglas Adams
3. Foundation - Isaac Asimov
4. Starship Troopers - Robert Heinlein
5. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Philip K. Dick
6. Jon Shannow Sipstrassi tales - David Gemmell
7. Rigante - David Gemmell
8. The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexander Dumas
9.The Dead Zone - Stephen King
10. Altered Corbon - Richard Morgan
Well, I thought it would be easy, but its not. I hope we get to do a series list next.

I'll go with:

1) Reaper Man - T. Pratchett
2) Darklord of Derkholm - Dianan Wynn Jones
3) Dragon wing (Deathgate Cycle Book 1) - Weis + Hickman
4) Storm Warning - Mercedes Lackey
5) Warriors Apprentice - [SIZE=-1]Lois McMaster Bujold
6) Hunting Party - Elisabeth Moon
7) The Hobbit - Tolkein
8) War of the Worlds - HG. Wells
9) The Curse of the Mistwraith - [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Jannie Wurts [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]10)The Day of the Triffids - John Wyndham
1. Legend - David Gemmell
2. Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy(the first book) - Douglas Adams
3. Foundation - Isaac Asimov
4. Starship Troopers - Robert Heinlein
5. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Philip K. Dick
6. Wolf in Shadow - David Gemmell
7. Sword In The Storm - David Gemmell
8. The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexander Dumas
9. The Dead Zone - Stephen King
10.Altered Corbon - Richard Morgan

This is my real list cause my other one is not correct. I thought series was allowed, i misunderstood the first page rules of the voting.
I'm a bit sad because there seems to be a predominance of fantasy (and even horror) over SF. I'll refrain from voting for the time being, as I don't consider myself well-read enough yet to make a tentative (let alone a definite list).
I'm a bit sad because there seems to be a predominance of fantasy (and even horror) over SF. I'll refrain from voting for the time being, as I don't consider myself well-read enough yet to make a tentative (let alone a definite list).

You can see in my list my love for SF. Heck if i hadn't read David Gemmell, 8 0f 10 would SF ;)

But i see what you mean, just like the sales of Fantasy being alot bigger than SF so this is the popularity of Fantasy over SF in these forums
Gee, I just realized my post should have been in the Discussion Thread. Sorry, guys.
Sorry guys went horribly wrong. (Replied rather than edited, does fatigue count as an excuse? :))
After much thinking (oh, please, since when you and thinking go in the same sentence) this is what came out, which of course is a very minimized version of the real thing.

By the way, will we ever see the final product or any product or something? It would be very nice to see how things worked out.

1. The Illustrated Man / Ray Bradbury
2. The Waerththu Series / Storm Constatine
3. The Lestat Tales / Anne Rice
4. Stone Dance of the Chameleon / Ricardo Pinto
5. Harry Potter / J K Rowling
6. Song of Ice and Fire / George R R Martin
7. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy / Douglas Adams
8. Farseer Triologies / Robin Hobb
9. Master of None / N Lee-Wood
10. Kushiel’s Trilogy / Jacqueline Carey
Ok –

  • E. R. Eddison, The worm Ouroboros
  • H. P. Lovecraft. The Call of Cthulhu
  • Michael Moorcock. Hawkmoon
  • Roger Zelazny. Chronicles of Amber
  • Jack Vance. Tales of dying Earth
  • Mervun Peake. Gormenghast
  • Robert Heinlein. Stranger in a strange land
  • Frank Herbert. Dune.
  • M. J. Harrison. Viriconium
  • J. Haldeman. The forever war
Think that’s all spelt correctly. :rolleyes: :D
This has been hard, the first 6 I love almost equally, but I thought which one could I not stand to ever read again and Pillars won out...

1. Pillars of the Earth - Ken Follett
2. Shadow of the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon
3. Fevre Dream - George R R Martin
4. Silk- Alessandro Barrico
5. The Day of the Triffids: John Wyndham
6. In Cold Blood - Trueman Capote
7. Crosstitch- Dianne Galbalon
8. Clan of the Cave Bear - Jean M Auel
9. The Historian - Elizabeth Kostova (despite its abrupt ending)
10. The Naked Sun - Issac Assimov

Oi, oi d,d don't know. Who did this to me?

1. The Count of Monte Christo - Dumas
2. Magician - Feist
3. Ivanhoe -Scott
4. A Game of Thrones - Martin
5. Legend - Gemmell
6. Right Hand of Darkness - Le Guin
7. Birds of Prey - Smith
8. The Eye of the World - Jordan
9. LoTR - Tolkein
10. Birdsong - Faulks

LoTR gets in because it's hugely influential IMHO, likewise Rise of a Merchant Prince and Eye of the world, because they were two books that drew me into fantasy. I still rate all three highly however.
1. The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien
2. A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin
3. A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess (I wasn't sure if this counted, but I'm going with it)
4. The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
5. Night Watch by Terry Pratchett
6. The Once and Future King by T.H. White
7. 1984 by George Orwell
8. Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
9. Earth Abides by George R. Stewart
10. Vellum by Hal Duncan
all right, I'm posting my list without looking at anyone elses so as not to be swayed

1. Starship Troopers Robert Heinlein
2. LotR J.R.R. Tolkien
3. Enders Game Orson Scott Card
4. The Stand Stephen King
5. Foundation Isaac Asimov
6. The Puppet Masters Robert Heinlein
7. The Legion of Space Jack Williamson
8. Dune Frank Herbert
9. Darwin's Radio Greg Bear
10. Flowers For Algernon Daniel Keyes

now Ima gonna go read everyone elses list (and probably smack myself on the forehead repeatedly... oh I forgot THAT one!)
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