The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Voting Thread **PLEASE READ FIRST POST**

Culhwch said:
[sound of Culhwch banging his head against a brick wall]
GOLLUM attempts to console the inconsolable....

I for one am enjoying watching what everyone puts up as their favourites....:D

Looks like Peake and Erikson and polling well, *GOLLUM dances a small jig*
1. Dune
2. Swiftly Titling Planet
3. The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe
4. Wrinkle in Time
5. The Time Machine
6. Magician's Nephew
7. The 10th Kingdom
8. The Hobbit
9. Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy
10. Harry Potter

This is my top ten... I think. This was very difficult as I couldn't decide so I fell back on old favorites.
1- The Lord of the Rings – JRR Tolkien
2- 1984 – George Orwell
3- The Martian Chronicles – Ray Bradbury
4- Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said – Philip K Dick
5- The Sirens Of Titan – Kurt Vonnegut
6- The Illuminatus! Trilogy – Robert Anton Wilson & Robert Shea
7- The Farthest Shore – Ursula Le Guin (willing to lump in with whole Earthsea)
8- Rendezvous With Rama – Arthur C. Clarke
9 -The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader – C.S. Lewis (willing to lump in with all Narnia)
10 -The High King – Lloyd Alexander (willing to lump in with all Prydain)
Can we still vote?

1. Memories of Ice - Erikson
2. American Gods - Gaiman
3. Player of Games - Iain M. Banks
4. Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell
5. Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World - Haruki Murakami
6. Midnight Tides - Erikson
7. The Darkness that Comes Before - Bakker
8. Chasm City - Al Reynolds
9. Fevre Dream - George RR Martin
10. The Neutronium Alchemist - Peter F. Hamilton

  1. Silverlock - John Myers Myers
  2. The Black Company - Glen Cook
  3. Glory Road - Robert A. Heinlein
  4. Inferno - Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle
  5. The Goblin Reservation - Cliford D. Simak
  6. The Forever War - Joe Haldeman
  7. The Stars My Destination - Alfred Bester
  8. Quest For The Future - A.E. Van Vogt
  9. Engines Of God - Jack McDevitt
  10. Dragons Of Autumn Twilight - Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman
Well, OK, I've been holding back because I'm not a fan of lists -- I'd rather know why people like things, and what the books are about, than how anyone ranks them -- but as a show of solidarity I'll play along.

My list is all made up of older books because for me a favorite is something that stands the test of time and numerous rereadings. Other, newer books may be future favorites, when I get around to rereading them a couple of times; older books may rise to the top as subsequent readings remind me of why I like them. On the other hand, I think it's possible to wear out a book by too many rereadings, which is why LOTR is not at the top of my list, although once it would have been. (All of which is to say don't hold me to any of this. Another day I might post a somewhat different list.)

1. The Riddlemaster of Hed, by Patricia A. McKillip
2. A Wizard of Earthsea, by Ursula K. LeGuin
3. Lud-in-the-Mist, by Hope Mirrlees
4. Gate of Ivrel, by C. J. Cherryh
5. Lord of the Rings (you all know the author)
6. The Last Unicorn, by Peter S. Beagle
7. The Broken Sword, by Poul Anderson
8. Red as Blood, by Tanith Lee
9. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens
10. The Once and Future King, by T. H. White

There are probably a dozen books I could just as easily have put in the last two or three places. And several of these books could have easily placed higher. (Indecisive? Not me! Well ... maybe.)
1 - George RR Martin - "A Game of Thrones"
2 - Iain M Banks - "Use of Weapons"
3 - Steven Erikson - "Deadhouse Gates"
4 - Raymond E Feist - "Magician"
5 - Tim Powers - "The Anubis Gates"
6 - Peter F Hamilton - "The Reality Dysfunction"
7 - Vernor Vinge - "A Fire Upon The Deep"
8 - Roger Zelazeny - "Lord of Light"
9 - Guy Gavriel Kay - "Tigana"
10 - Susanna Clarke - "Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell"

(a couple of authors would have got multiple mentions, but I decided to limit it to one each)
Rane Longfox said:
Can we still vote?

But of course. There is no deadline.

Wow, a veritable deluge of votes! We've cracked the thirty mark. Still only a fractional representation of the Chronicles community, but we're getting there....
1. A Game of Thrones by George RR Martin
2. A Storm of Swords by George RR Martin
3. Memories of Ice by Steven Erikson
4. The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien
5. The Prestige by Christopher Priest
6. The Reality Dysfunction by Peter F. Hamilton
7. The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien
8. Small Gods by Terry Pratchett
9. Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke
10. The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch
Well, for all of five seconds I think Erikson claimed that number two spot. But thankfully it's been restored to Martin, at a cursory glance at least. Sorry, Gol and Cal.... I'll try and have an updated list up in a day or so.
  • Game of Thrones – George RR Martin
  • Storm of Swords – George RR Martin
  • Clash of Kings – George RR Martin
  • Feast for Crows – George RR Martin
  • Lord of the Rings – Tolkien - Fellowship of the Ring I guess
  • World of Tiers – Philip Jose Farmer - Cannot recall the first book.
  • Silverlock – John Myers Myers
  • Chronicles of Thomas Covenant – Stephen Donaldson - Lord Fouls Bane I guess
  • Amber Series – Zelazny - Nine Princes in Amber ? ?
  • Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake
Well, here you have it. Im not sure I understand voting for single books rather than a series, but Ill take that to the discussion thread
1. A Game of Thrones - George R R Martin
2. A Storm of Swords - George R R Martin
3. LOTR - Tolkein
4. Dune - Frank Herbert
5. Hyperion - Dan Simmons
6. The Stand - Stephen King
7. Fevre Dream - George R R Martin
8. Elric of Melnibone - Michael Moorcock
9. A Spell for Chameleon - Piers Anthony
10. The Golden Compass - Philip Pullman
Culhwch said:
Well, for all of five seconds I think Erikson claimed that number two spot. But thankfully it's been restored to Martin, at a cursory glance at least. Sorry, Gol and Cal.... I'll try and have an updated list up in a day or so.
I anticipate that Martin will finish ahead of Erikson based on the fact that there seems to be more Martin fans around most boards I'm on including this one and that Erikson has only become better known in the US in the past few years whislt Martin has been around producing quality work for decades. He also seems to be more highly visible to fans.
just found this thread and had half a dozen jotted down of the top of my head but looking at the lists of others reminding me a books it is now up to 14 without thinking about it so I know it is going to be very hard to cut it to 10
In order....

1. Memories of Ice - Steven Erikson
2. Storm of Swords - George R.R. Martin
3. Ships of Merior - Janny Wurts
4. To Green Angel Tower - Tad Williams
5. Deadhouse Gates - Steven Erikson
6. Lord of the Rings - J.R.R Tolkien
7. Clash of Kings - George R.R. Martin
8. Gathering Storm - Kate Elliot
9. Magician - Raymond E. Feist
10. Elfstones of Shannara - Terry Brooks

I need to read more... hmmm.... Guess i'll go take a look at the hall of fame and pick something ;)

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